SFoL17 - The Carnival - Re-rolled

Did you need protection though? With 3 protectives max and probably 11-12 BD players is Observer really that high priority? Probably not. In many cases observer is essentially a protective class anyway.

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Itā€™s Marl he should be protected at all cost

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Even as evil

Maybe. A lucky observe early can singlehandedly kill the scumteam though. Notice after n1 I even voted on the kingā€™s poll to guard Livicus.

I like it how everyone has nicked PKRā€™s strat of asking for protection no matter their class

Iā€™m not PKR :eyes:

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I just didnā€™t want to die n1 tbh. Also even if I wasnā€™t guarded the wifom provided by asking might have kept me safe

Actually imma do it one step ahead, before the classes are even re-rolled.

@Allprotectives, protect me and I can single-handedly win us the game. ty bby.

All Killers need to get bypass so they can always kill u

Can we get the old rolelist possibly? If you donā€™t want to give out the spreadsheet.

I know Marl was evil

But I wasnā€™t :U

Converts Marl

Clascards V2 are being sent out!


What was the buff you gave to Unseen?

I ddinā€™t. I chose to re-roll instead.


Even though I was Prince I was auto turned into Unseen Prince during the day

I got trickster.
I was gonna do a DR Trivia
I wasnā€™t converted

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/Join Just making sure im in the game

PKR u liar you were converted. No need to rejoin, Iā€™ll presume all players in the game are still in it by default.