SFoL18: Disappointing Everybody [The Unseen, Scorned and Alchemist Win]


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What if instead you tell me if my Druid is better or worse


it’s still on the class card list so it’s a no from me

It’s coming! OwO

I love a lot of these class changes.

But no Fool?! What are you, allergic to fun, Orange?


is tempted to post anti-fool rant

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Not sure if I accdenilty posted in the wrong one don’t question it

He shall be our glorious king!

oh no, fun is hypoallergenic for me and orange likes to torture me

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I’m tempted to post an antialch rant but I’ll do it on the changes thread.

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Alch is great

Steps bomb 2 nights

Heal no one

Ez game


Hey does king have loyalty? Or can we just vote him up

/confirm non existent card

Chill chill, they need time, chill my friend.

Loyalty is different now. Lemme Quote from the top of the page.

Okay then let’s play a game

I have a number in my head bettween 1-infinity guess :slight_smile:

I guess Kitty.

How do you know…
