SFoL18: Disappointing Everybody [The Unseen, Scorned and Alchemist Win]

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

I really want to use this

@discobot display help

I currently know how to do the following things:

@discobot start new user

Starts one of the following interactive narratives: new user, advanced user.

@discobot roll 2d6

:game_die: 3, 6

@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you — Princess Diana

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: You may rely on it

@discobot fortune

Is our king a good king?

:crystal_ball: Reply hazy try again

He’s not helpful

Please don’t put discobot here D:

Discobot is great though

He encourages RNG

Not too much spamming, I’m trying to think of a CW work LUL

Give it a uncomfirmable day abilty

Shush. I’m thinking


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Totally thinking in the role play thread huh?

Hmm? I’m not in it right now. It’s half finished.

You were

(Eyes filled with fury totally didn’t actually post this in the wrong thread)

hey if y’all suspect reaper notify me :^)

Will do sir!

I have a 2D read time.

Wow I wish I was in 3D