SFoL2: Regicide I [Day 6]

##Welcome to Special Forum of Lies 2

The King has been murdered, and the castle has been thrown into disarray!


  1. Follow the Global Forum Rules
  2. Be respectful
  3. Don’t be inactive - if you are, I’ll PM you; If you don’t respond and start posting in-game, you will be replaced
  4. Do not quote/screenshot private host messages
  5. Don’t throw the game
  6. It’s a game - have fun
    7: This game will not start until SFoL1 has completed - no rush.
    8: No editing/deleting posts, because apparently that wasn’t obvious or something, idk

Days will be 72 hours long, or shorter if someone dies
Nights will be 24 hours long
Actions are done by messaging me
All factions will follow the nomenclature described here (yeah, it’s old, it’s awkward, I know, too late to change it though)
The Blackrose Faction members cannot communicate with each outher outside of the game at all (however, using in-game abilities to communicate is allowed)
The Psychic and Priest will talk with their targets via private messages that I will create
All classes used will be found in the SFoL Class Cards Thread
Roles and factions will not flip upon death
Roles (but not factions) will be revealed at the start of the game
Any role can be either Azure Dragon or Blackrose Faction
All Blackrose Faction members can use their night to kill as well as use their night action, but they must wait one night before killing again
One Blackrose Faction member has killed the King, and must wait one night before being able to kill
One player will be a Traitor, appearing to be AD but winning with BF
The traitor does not know the identity of the BF members
When you receive a card you will have 24 hours to reply, confirming you have received it
The Blackrose Faction wins once they achieve majority

To accuse someone say “/accuse [player]” or “/vote [player]
When someone is on Trial the thread will be locked. They will be able to post a 1000 character defense through me. Everyone will then vote Guilty or Innocent by messaging me.
Executions end the day
Trials pause the timer

After The Night
You will be told what happened to you, and day will begin

Message me your entire journal, the last draft I receive before you die shall be the one displayed
Do not re-send a new journal every time, simply update the one you already sent.

To Join
To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want

Azure Dragon
Azure Dragon
Azure Dragon
Azure Dragon
Azure Dragon
Azure Dragon
Azure Dragon
Azure Dragon
Azure Dragon
Blackrose Faction
Blackrose Faction


  1. Hippolytus - The Physician
  2. aniketos - The Knight - Modkilled Day 6
  3. numberFTW - The Priest
  4. Damafaud - The Princess - Killed Night 3
  5. NozBugz - The Court Wizard
  6. PolikShadowbliss - The Psychic - Killed Night 4
  7. Rogue - The Noble - Killed Night 4
  8. gingerbeardgentleman - The Sheriff - Killed Night 2
  9. deadfrien - The Paladin
  10. PokemonKidRyan - The Prince - Killed Night 1
  11. Ingeel - The Observer - Killed Night 3
  12. DinoMask - The Butler


#Day One
You have 72 hours to talk or whatever. NoLynch voting ends the day.

Good luck and have fun.



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Some quick voting notes:

If a trial ever begins for a Princess/a majority is reached, please contact a mod and have them lock the thread. I’d do it myself, but I’m not a mod.

Also, majority is 7 votes today.

What is this


Was a second thread truly necessary?


Yes. It reduces clutter and makes finding replacements easier if necessary.

I’d appreciate if you’d at least join before criticizing the game. :rolling_eyes:

“reduces clutter”

Sir making multiple threads for the same game does the opposite of that

Also, by that logic, nobody should be allowed to criticise any class suggestions or whatever without them first being put in the game

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Hello friends. Can sheriff be evil?

Any role can be evil.

@JammySplodge that part was a joke

Second, actually.

Orange doesnt count.

This was confusing with the change of theads…

What you guys think is strongest and weakest role here?

This is a bit quiet for my liking… :expressionless:

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IMO order of priority to protect goes:

Court Wizard

God damn it.

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Psychic does seem pretty dead-meaty tho seeing as his use in normal FoL is to get information on roles, so you’ll probably live until the end. Congrats! :wink:

W…Whoa! Prince is a bit low on that list for my liking!