SFoL2: Regicide I [Day 6]

Ok what about Hipp looks good?

You’ve only mentioned h9m creating discussion, which he has utterly failed at

Well, he tried.

He made a priority list.

He voted people to stimulate them to defend themselves. Isn’t it good?

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Ok and the priority list is insanely scummy and literally claimed that his vote was random, completely defeating the purpose of it

Hipp is scum Dama

or very special town

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Both blue
and no, my that ability can only be used once and I havent used it

No one was saying anything. It was right at the start of the game just to get everyone talking about the new roles and things.

Please explain how it was actually scummy.

Because it’s protection based on roles and not players–sure you got discussion going but it ultimately just circled back around and nothing of value was gained. Tell me in one way it has helped town, and then why you are town

number is town kk

You are confusing me being a bad player to me being scum. I pretty much always try generate discussion like that.

Ok then why are you town, why is Polik sus, why is ani townier than me?

That’s not an excuse for everything else you have done

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Fuck me fine I’ll re-read EVERYTHING so far and get some quotes

It was a lot easier before you got here :stuck_out_tongue:

This is for everyone, I guess

@Ingeel , @Hippolytus , @PolikShadowbliss , @deadfrien , @numberFTW , @Damafaud , @Frostwolf103 , @Rogue , @DinoMask

Just writing down everyone’s names so they receive a notification or something. Please try to be active and contribute or at least read every post on here… I know I don’t say much but I’ve read everything people have written.

Sorry Ingeel, I wish I had more information but I think Hippolytus may be evil because he/she hasn’t given us many clues and makes many assumptions. Also, the physician could have given one of the now dead players a vial of potion to make them immune to death. I’m sorry I didn’t guard them but 1. I didn’t know if they were BD (and I still don’t know for sure) and 2. I was worried I’d be wasting.

I’m still not sure whom to trust but by now I guess Polik.
Polik, being the Psychic, isn’t too dangerous, even if she/he’s evil because they can’t kill (is that correct?). The Blackrose faction needs at leas one killing person, right? Which means it’s either me or the Paladin. The other one’s who can ‘indirectly’ kill are the Butler and Princess (by executing)… The physician and court wizard are also important since they can add night immunity to players, and one of them could also be evil… Overall, I’m still not sure who’s AD or BF…

I agree with this Ingeel, Hippolytus didn’t really have a reason to claim I’m townier than you or Polik is sus.

This is why I think Hippolytus may be evil… Or it might just be their way of playing.

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@aniketos the BF members may kill, regardless of their role.

Wait then that means that if I am scum. I am actually the most dangerous scum because I can actually communicate while the others cannot.

Yes, I finally feel useful!
Except that I am not scum!



hmm I admit I do probably look quite scummy, more so then others who has been active (excluding rogue), which is a shame cuz I am genuinely inno this game.

I feel like I’m playing the same way I normally play, so if Aniketos and Ingleton (as I think ur the only new ones to our games) wouldn’t mind skimming how I act in other games I think you’d be more convinced of my innocence.

tldr; I’m always scummy live with it bitches :wink:

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For some reason, when I participate more than I normally do. I also come across as scummy. Maybe i am just a naturally scummy guy, hence why I don’t talk much.

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#@Ami will be replacing Frost

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Reminder: There are around 21 hours left in the day.

Hello fellow Physic. Only sufficently more useful.
