SFoL2: Regicide I [Day 6]

#Night time kiddos!


Actually that timer is wrong, day will begin when there are 48 hours left on the timer

Send in your actions

#Dawn breaks on the fifth day.

Polikshadowbliss has been found dead in their room.

Rogue has been found dead in their room.


Players still alive (for reference):

Da fuck there is only 5 of us

When you’re not mentioned…


Why 2 deaths? I assume Deadfrien the Paladin killed Rogue???

FMPOV the last BR is probably Dinomask for his transing shenanigans or Deadfrien for (I assume) killing someone last night.

There is a chance Number is evil as well as one of them, and he was lying about there being a dead BF.

I am fairly sure Nozbugs and Aniketos are inno. Aniketos killed a BF according to Number, and from his limitid posts I have my biggest BD read on Noz.

Deadfrien could’ve killed Rogue and you thought Polik was sus…

I killed Rouge last night. It was only because he failed to get voted two days in a row.

Dammnit u caught my evil plan. It was to FoS someone of being scum, and then immediately murder them. :expressionless:

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of course it was :laughing:

I sr everyone.

Number since he could’ve lied about the factions (I doubt it, though, since there weren’t many deaths early on), and since he has few posts. High priority, since knowing who’s who is important now.

Dino since he’s been decently scummy all game. Medium priority.

Noz has barely talked, so I have no clue if he’s scum or not. Mid priority.

Hippolytus has talked quite a bit and has supported the convo. Low priority.

aniketos has talked quite a bit, and hasn’t really supported nor detracted from the convo. Low priority.

Finding the Traitor is high priority at this point, since he’s becoming a risk now.

Dino is the most solid risk for scum, with Number and Noz behind that, and then Hippo and aniketos. (At least in my opinion.)

I do have a little doubt towards Hippo, though, since Dama spoke positively of him, but that’s not big enough to go off.

Aniketos killed Damafaud though (seeing as you say you didn’t), who Number says was BF. So unless they are morons Aniketos is p much only confirmed(ish) non-BF.

Dino transing eevee into death is probably a good lynch, but I think we need everyone to talk more before deciding.

pkr and ginger are both AD

and by that I mean Polik and Rogue

Does that mean you think both Polik and Rogue were both AD too?

By that I mean I KNOW they are AD since they died

Also I feel like useing my ability,who should I talk to?