SFoL2: Regicide I [Day 6]


True… By the way, my name’s Aniketos

My apologies.
It’s quite different to any I’ve heard before, so I’m not quite used to typing it.

I agree with a /vote nolynch today.

/vote nolynch

I do as well.

I’m just going to assume that we’re not going to reach majority within the next hour and cut off the day here.

#It is now Night 1.

Please send all actions to me via the PM I sent to you with your alignment. If you have any questions, please ask.

Night timer


Don’t talk yet

@Queen_Alfa feel free to clean that lol

#Our brave Prince, PokemonKidRyan was found dead last night.
The Blackrose Faction was apparently not content with assassinating the King alone - they felt the need to mercilessly exterminate the next in line to the throne. They must be caught at all costs.

(If you didn’t get a PM, you slept peacefully.)

#Day 2 start!

Hmm, interesting

What is?

That we are already down one of our allies, the blue dragon faction

I don’t know what else to expect.

It’s Day 2.

lol I was wrong apparently BR think prince is high priority

why don’t we start with everyone saying their actions. I healed Frostwolf.

I took no action, I’d rather kill with a reason.

I forgot to send my action…

I was involved with something and passed out, forgetting to

I investigated PKR.

highly useful.

Now I can deduce the true alignment of everyone I investigate!

@DinoMask, I’m particularly interested in learning what you did last night.

#Note: I did not reveal PKR’s alignment. That was just flavor. You don’t know what he was. :wink: