SFoL26: Regicide III [Day 4]

It took me like a second after I just started looking through the post to notice it lul.

He was a replacement you dipnut, he was confused

I mean even as a replacement he could of been confused but if I was noble I would of voted him right away knowing he didnā€™t actually do that.

Hey, you know Iā€™m not as active as I used to be

If he did I missed it completely

VC incoming I guess

Thatā€™s not a excuse why didnā€™t you vote him right away :thinking:. Surely you would of wanted the credit of catching a liar.

/vote Squid get sheeped fk wot u gonna do

p sure he didnt

You sick bastard, Iā€™m actually honest about my findings

FK has spoken u ded m8

Explain why you didnā€™t vote them right away happy you caught a scum.

/vote Sketch We canā€™t always tell mistakes from slips

Wait how did Squid catch a scum :thinking:

I am confused

Well now your getting death tunneled.

1.You donā€™t explain it
2.And you voted sketch after you could of before.

Youā€™ve got to be shitting meā€¦ that wasnā€™t a 100% scum tell



If they continued with the lie, then I would have done something

Okay nobody is even close to majority

VC in like 15-20 minutes

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yh memesky was being dumb

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But Sketch corrected himself, so I had to leave some room. Mistakes happen