SFoL26: Regicide III [Day 4]

What’s going on?

I am very confused…

No? It would of been T V S at that point and we would of lynched both of you tbh.

The safest move was to do what sketch did.
You didn’t vote them. And now you vote them. Which is incredibly sus.

You’re so lucky I checked you htm, you’re managing to still make me scumread you despite you being compatible lol.

I’m giving all the info I have, if I was scum, I wouldn’t say anything about it

And let me tell you, I’m a pretty scary lurker

That’s what scum would say. You did not explain why you didn’t vote sketch you gave a lousy explanation of oh well I would of voted them.

I think my theory is right.

Why didn’t you vote Sketch as soon as I pointed out? Explain that!

Cause let me tell you, I do not want a mislynch at a time like this. Don’t me go the SaltyMax route

Don’t put this back on me. Explain why YOU didn’t vote sketch. Trying to make me LOOK SUS right now and all your doing is making yourself look scummier :clap:

Well if you explained maybe I would unvote.

You’re the one that’s pointing at me. You’re not confirmed good yourself and look like you’re ready for a mislynch on one of the most important and helpful classes in this game

Squid. it’s not that hard to explain why you didn’t vote sketch. all your doing is trying to put shade on your accuser instead of defending yourself.

I was inactive as shit, I admit it. I had other shit to do. There, there’s your damn explanation

Not good enough. Inactivity doesn’t actually give you a excuse to not vote them right away for them not doing what they said they did.

Give me a better one.

But you’re probably going to kill me anyway because it’s a lame excuse, and I fucking know that. You know why Wham was inactive in the first place? Because he could have been BD who wasn’t motivated to do anything, hell, take a look at me for example

Okay let’s think of this in a different way.

What was your mindset and thinking process when you didn’t vote sketch.

I thought Sketch was just confused when he suddenly started replacing Whamm. He corrected himself soon after so I didn’t worry too much on him, though I didn’t trust him 100%

I mean that’s all you had to say. /Unvote
Wasn’t looking for much.

You just make me think your mad that your going to be a mislynch townie right now so ima go back to

/Vote Joker
That helped.

Sheep! :sheep:

/vote Jokester

how much time do we have left btw?