SFoL26: Regicide III - Sign-Ups [Accepting Backups]


The King has been murdered, and the noble Castle Adiart has been thrown into complete disarray!

Regicide returns after a short hiatus!


  1. Follow the Global Forum Rules
  2. Be respectful to the moderators and your fellow players.
  3. Don’t be inactive. If you do not post within a 24-hour period, you will be prodded. Failure to respond to a prod within 12 hours or receiving two prods will result in your removal from the game.
  4. Do not quote/screenshot private host messages.
  5. Don’t throw the game. Always play with the intent of helping your faction win.
  6. No editing or deleting posts without express moderator permission.
  7. No posting after majority is reached or at night. We won’t lock the thread, and instead the honor system will be used. Repeated or egregious failure to comply will result in your removal from the game.
  8. It’s a game - have fun!


  • There is no set day length. Instead, day continues until majority is reached.
  • There is a total time bank of 300 hours of daytime.
  • Nights will be approximately 24 hours long. Extensions will not be granted for forgetting to send in an action.
  • Actions are performed by sending myself and eevee a message on the PM I send you with your role card.
  • The members of the Unseen cannot communicate with each outher outside of the game in any fashion (however, using in-game abilities to communicate is allowed).
  • The Psychic and Priest will talk with their targets via private messages that eevee or myself will create.
  • All classes used will be found in the SFoL Regicide Class Cards Thread.
  • Roles will be revealed at the start of the game.
  • Factions will not flip upon death.
  • Any role can be either Blue Dragon or Unseen.
  • All members of the Unseen may kill, but they each have a one-night cooldown on this ability.
  • One Unseen member has killed the King, and must wait one night before being able to kill.
  • One player will be a Traitor, appearing to be a member of the Blue Dragon to others but winning with the Unseen and counting towards their numbers.
  • The Traitor does not know the identity of the Unseen, nor do the Unseen know they identity of the Traitor.
  • When you receive a class card, you will have 24 hours to reply, confirming you have received it, or else your spot may be forfeit.
  • The Unseen win if the Blue Dragon run out of time, or if their numbers equal or exceed that of the remaining Blue Dragon players.
  • These rules are subject to change until the game begins.


  • To accuse someone, say “/vote [player]”.
  • To rescind your vote, say “/unvote”.
  • To vote for no lynch, say “”/vote NoLynch".
  • Making your vote obvious (bolded, on their own line, etc.) will make it less likely to be missed by us.
  • Vote counts will be given whenever the moderators are available to do so. You may request one by pinging both eevee and myself.
  • When majority has been reached, the day ends immediately. Please cease all posting until a moderator returns to officially end the day.

After The Night

  • You will be told what happened to you in your PM, and day will begin.
  • The timer will start from the moment the day is started.

Journals and Death Notes

  • Message me your entire journal, the last draft I receive before you die shall be the one displayed.
  • Death Notes will be allowed, but are subject to the discretion of both hosts.

To Join

  • To join, say “/join” or “/in” or similar.


  • Blue Dragon
  • Blue Dragon
  • Blue Dragon
  • Blue Dragon
  • Blue Dragon
  • Blue Dragon
  • Blue Dragon
  • Blue Dragon
  • Blue Dragon
  • Traitor
  • Unseen
  • Unseen


  1. Firekitten
  2. Whammerist
  3. Memesky
  4. HTM
  5. Hippolytus
  6. PoisonedSquid
  7. Sam17z
  8. Celeste_Ludenberg
  9. Soulshade55r
  10. NuclearBurrito
  11. MaximusPrime
  12. Shurian

Game Thread







/fucking join finally what took this so long

for anyone who isnt aware this is basically the best mode ever


Wait 1 question, can we edit before the edit pen or nah?

I will forgive grammar edits but don’t do anything that I might even think changes the meaning of your post at all


Oh hey, the second edition of this game was the first game I participated in after I left my hiatus!
traitor flashbacks…good times.


So there are no conversions? Oh boy



What’s the traitor card


Has anything changed since the last time?

Plz update the title and player list

