SFoL26: Regicide III - Sign-Ups [Accepting Backups]

I was traitor phys in the first one and did fuck all and we still won


Cop priest scum combo would be disgusting

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Literally no chance of winning if thatā€™s the case :^)


gg we already win Celeste

Wait so this isnā€™t balanced?


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What made you think this was balanced lol


(Orange made it)

Hey quick questionā€¦ why the hell is the priest the only one that can see dead factions?

So itā€™s unbalanced

I mean it is more or less but scum deffo have an advantage

It is balanced just scumsided. Itā€™s more balanced than FoL which is way more townsided than this is scumsided.

P sure itā€™s based off a popular setup

Proposition: Me, fire, htm, meme and max are all town.


I agree 100% with this.


If anything with the time limit inactives are going to damage us

they arenā€™t inactive just not on atm