SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

I don’t think any scum could possibly miss my claim… They knew well I was pretender when they bled me.

Healers would not heal a Pretender King over the Prince.

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Drawing healers into pretender is not a Good idea since they can decide to not heal neut

Like we all know that heal has to have been shit as had the poison, which is why the Unseen poisoning him right before they get eliminated to make the Cult’s job harder is plausible.

Wait what, i started to bleeding

Not fake at all

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I am not lying ok, i am literally mad rn.Actually i didn’t frame hjasik n4,i wanted to cause mislynch so i lied about it

So here’s my tinfoil, keeping it short and simple.

Baz is the new CL. Bleeding a Pretender King is something so nonsensical that I don’t think anyone else other than him would do it and Astand was bled right when the day began, which is when Bazinga also entered the thread.

ISO-wise, he self-contradicted a lot when talking about keeping FK not converted earlier in the match alongside fears that FK may have been converted, which is what makes me disbelieve his CW claim. Finally, him alongside Geyde are the ones who have yet to be peeked by the entire match, so we’re not through the PoE yet and Baz has gone UTR.

/vote Baz

I’ll fully ISO him later when I get the time. But the circumstances behind Astand’s bleeding absolutely condemns Baz.

There is absolutly no Motivation for scum to bleed you rn

And, if the Captain bleed is genuine (it’s not) it condemns him absoloutely.

Seriously. Who else would bleed a fucking Pretender King as scum?


Celeste, but I cleared her last night.

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Who would bleed pretender king then,cl is clearly #neutsout

Neut Who is clearly on their side

Say it to cl :roll_eyes:

Why would baz bleed pretender king?

Who else would bleed a Pretender King?

Because Bazinga

And now baz claims barrier on FK every night. Alice may be onto something.

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