SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

I said I was prevented
Then he said he was jailed after

I’m not claiming Prince. But you should still trust me.

If plex is Prince now we are screwed if we only have one observer and a baker and Prince on the loose

I’m not claiming Prince.

You can only be The Prince or The Sheriff/Paladin if you are conversion immune, and good.
Both roles are unique. If your claim is fake, then someone else can disprove it. That is why we need your role after you claimed.

PLEX are you sheriff/pali or Prince

Trust me. I’m not going to claim my class.

Trust me. Rogue is BD and will be alive after 2 days if you give him bread today.

Trust me. I promise you will not regret it.

I can’t be converted, Rogue won’t be converted. BD will have a win in the bag if you follow my plan.

Is rogue your target that’s why your so desperate


/Vote Plex
Your repetitiveness and refusal to claim at this point is scummy to say the least

I’m not claiming.

Just know, I can’t be converted and Rogue won’t be converted.

Make sure he has bread today. BD will win.

/vote plex

If you force me to claim, you’ll have ruined your chances at a win.

There’s no role which is that important.
Don’t even try right now

You cant be a baker as you would have no reason to trust rouge

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/vote Plex
Claim. Now.

It’s true that there are more roles being conversion-immune that are most of neutrals.

You can be also saying that Rogue is not killer-type?

No wait, that’s wrong…

Frost, vote please.


I am Mercenary. I said I can’t be converted to ditch scum attempts at converting me. I believe fully that Rogue is BD and will remain BD and I could have stopped him from being converted or killed or stolen from.

Fuck you all. I offer you a free win and you don’t take it, wtf.

I believe PKR is 100% scum as of this point. Execute me if you wish.

I said my piece.

/vote ThePlex

You would have no way in hell to know what rouge is.
Your trying to take bread from a possible bd to keep your target alive so you can win.