SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

Huh…you know what’s better?

Don’t feed him.

Don’t hang him as before N3 assassin will just replace him if he is MM and if he’s cult leader we can stop all kills.

@PandaPete keep jailing PKR every night

Right now, The Thief is priority so we don’t have to worry about loaf of bread being stolen, that’s why I am starting with NozBugz here.

On other hand, we running out of time, so I’d say we start lynching the unconfirmed people that PurpleyPete has set up role list earlier on.

/Vote Notbugz

I’ll sheep for now. I’ll think for myself when someone tells me what the heck has happened.

This is the role list that PurpleyPete provided, you’re unclaimed too Icibalus.

But for now, NozBugz get honorable service. (not unconfirmed, sorry)

Wait, are we massclaiming already?


or you could engage and just read the thread?

unknown claims baker and says he’ll only feed himself and a prince. so, if he’s the only one, we’re all about to die of starvation.

Hmm that is not an accurate recap, much more important things happened. If anyone is baker, keep your real role hidden.

Well that’s bad.

Any way we can convince Unkown to give us a loaf of bread?

Ask the guy yourself.

Fair enough.

But Unkown, you do realise that the Theif is certain to target the prince so that they will get free bread.
Remember, the thief occupies, and the Prince, even if they won’t die, will be occupied every night.

Your stratergy isn’t going to work out.

Hippo claims maid and claims that PKR is Special which can only be Mastermind/Unseen.
Hippo himself is unfortunately sus either and likely wont recieve bread.
This means we can afford to lynch hippo to confirm the Mastermind, which has a LOT of implications, as the possible Mastermind backed up the Noble claims. Hippo can also not be baker because no baker would do claims that are that incriminating.


  1. The thief has to rest one day if they steal bread.
  2. Prince is immune to Occupy.

Well damn.

So in other words is Hippo is town PKR is scum and Vice Versa.[quote=“Unknown, post:636, topic:1867, full:true”]

  1. The thief has to rest one day if they steal bread.
  2. Prince is immune to Occupy.

Apologies for my lack of knowledge about the mechanics. I suppose the occupation immunity makes sense.

Prince can be roleblocked
Stops the execution

Although then again Thief might target you, as you would be an infinite source of bread for them, if you gave yourself bread every night, which you would if Thieft was targeting you every night.

/vote Hippolytus
Reason: Hippo claims to know the Mastermind. If this is true, then we can shut down the Mastermind.
And it means the Noble claims are very sus.
If it is not true we have one less problem.

Eitherway we need a lynch every day
We need everyone’s class now not tomorrow.
Ruby has made a barstard game of bread.
Bread is more evil than cult/unseen.
So the game needs to be played differently.