SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

Hmm yeah, the sheriff might be even one of these CW claims, who knows…

Maybe, Queen_Alfa is capable to block.

So far, FadeBlade probably find nothing.

That would be more unlikely.
CW and Sheriff are miles apart.
Their CW claim could be easily disproven and then it could cause big problems

Jammu, those class cards are copied from the manuals, which are copied originally from your class cards

Also, who am I blocking tonight?

Go Ice your Husband Alfa

So when’s trial starting?

Trial already started.

It started

Vote guilty on me folks

Yep, I already did.

There should be no place for Fool.


Fade is likely evil. If any of the unclaimed are knights I strongly suggest you suicide on me. It would confirm PKR being MM to those who somehow don’t realise it and pretty much reveal who the assasin/thief is aswell.

I doubt there is though as within the unclaimed there is a Sheriff/Paladin a likely baker and a likely assasin.

So you see Unknown, there’s no second baker.

Honestly we probably don’t have a protective apart from the observer claim. If one of the roleblockers is evil prince may well die tonight and baker needs to give bread to other damn BD

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I hate to say this, but if Prince is willing to waste his jails, I’d rather he died tbh.
At least then I can actually do what my role is supposed to do.
Aka investigate :expressionless:
Literally, I only have 1 night I can do things for if I’m not being given bread.

You’re scummy and you know it.

/vote guilty

Also, how can I prove myself any more if I’m imprisoned?!
I only have 1 night I can prove myself as I’ve used my 1 use day ability now and so I only have night abilities (Royal Blood and Compatibility checks)

It’s easy to fake Maid results + giving you 1 night to ‘prove’ yourself means you’re able to convert if you failed last night.

I don’t trust you.