SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

But, didn’t it say that we’re using old class cards before?
I can barely see any difference between my old one or new one.
I haven’t looked at any other discrepancies.
I looked at my role and that was that
Are you serious? Like does that exist?

Like here @Hippolytus :expressionless:

PurpleyPete know exactly what he’s doing.

Look. I’m confirming Icibalus is Investigative.
I’ve confirmed Frost has Royal Blood.
You haven’t disproven either of these.

You’re right, he didn’t.

He threatened to jail and exe me “so BD will lose” esrlier as I didn’t vote Noz. I highly doubt he does.

PKR you repeated 2 pieces of information everyone knew.

I’m also up to replace PolikShadowbliss since he didn’t have anything to contribute.

Hippolytus, when NozBugz is lynched then what is your next plan?

What if I tell you Plex is Sheriff and not Mercenary and Rogue is recently knighted?

Rogue could be Sheriff too, however what about the neutral killer, what happen to it? Did Dama even respond…?

IF I get lynched

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Damafaud is quiet throughout whole day

…I think we got Reaper.

Reaper was decommissioned.


Except inactives and myself as I wasn’t here.
So… I repeated information which actually not many people knew. In fact, information which almost nobody knew. But which not many people even heard having been claimed

A claim isn’t bad to investigate as then it lets us know if we can actually trust them. So nice try there <3

All right then, I actually will be surprised of lack of neutral killer in this game.

I mean think about it, this bastard game has hunger as neutral killer…yeah I know, but that make sense that GM would be not sane to put Neutral killer in this game he won’t be saved from hunger.

Let’s actually be logical here.
What do we know?
We know our role and if we have an investigative result, we know our results.
What do we hear, is we hear claims but claims should be inspected as much as people who haven’t claimed at all.
I think that’s a perfectly fair comment

I mean, where’s the Sheriff even?

Maybe it’s suffice to say the sheriff is either Damafaud, Rogue or Insanity, my noble twin and also the assassin is among these three people.

So that means, The Thief lied with fake claim.

Assumably, it’d be one of the unclaimed people.
I don’t think that Rogue and Plex are Knight and Sheriff. Although it’d be a decent tactic to trick scum.

The one who has fakeclaim, are the ones capable that claimed to roleblock.

Hence NozBugz, Queen_Alfa (Who confirms by action) and FadeBlade.

Two Court Wizards may get lynched, at least one of them.