SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

responds to what

-sigh- https://forum.imperium42.com/t/class-cards-for-forum-based-tol/249 are you using the old class cards?

because theres a good chance you sent nozbugz the wrong class card

On the safe side, less mouths to feed that can potentially cause grief.

Yeah, no.
I didn’t.
I’m Maid.
Nothing else.
Nice try though <3 Serpent / Fool / Unseen

or are you using this version? https://forum.imperium42.com/t/fol-class-cards-clean-with-no-talking/1998

I can confirm however that I got new version of The Noble’s role card.

Nozbugz even said he has two uses for occupying.

I copied from Alfa’s thread because it’s got some cards that my thread does not

Now I’m confused as thread stated old class cards and now new ones are mixed in.

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then why this is wrong Butler can occupy infinitely

butler is not able to do that jammy

My card is the exact same pretty much because Maid didn’t change.
I wonder if Hip’s class (Serpent, Fool or any Unseen) has changed

give up

Why would I give up when I’m Maid?
How foolish do you think I am.
Oh wait, you could legit be the Fool :stuck_out_tongue:

Butler can occupy infinitely, as in Throne of Lies, I did not check Alfa’s cards for discrepancies before I sent them, I apologise for any confusion that this may have caused

I have made it pretty clear why your obviously unseen so if anything goes wrong with regards to you being rbed and not killed i absolve myself entirely of blame.

Without saying the class
Was noz given a new or old class card?

You’re claiming I’m Scum, yet you’re saying for me not to be killed?
Do you know just how foolish that is?
Why would we decide to keep scum alive?
From a town POV I have to say it’s quite crazy

Hush now. You know exactly why we don’t want to hang the mm as assasin will just replace you.

He’s trying to bait you into killing him Pete so they can convert more ppl. Don’t.