SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

My death allowed us to have a new MM, then Frost dying allowed another conversion.
Literally Unseen each did a lot there even if we didn’t mean to

if i join an FoL, it’s probably going to be an upick because i have a lot of good ideas for them

Umm why do you not want to join other Fol games ?

it’ll just show to everyone the worst part of me…

the sore looser smartass wannabe :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, your death. That is the point. If Pete would not have executed you(that was the plan) then you would have been in lots of trouble.


I’m sending you the bills.

Also, Frost told me to Forage instead of Assasinate the night you die. Wonder what will happen if I kill someone instead…?

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I was so looking forward to announcing a demon victory and seeing the bamboozled faces of the Unseen but no, rip


It’s all my fault.


And I was looking forward to brag about my class winning…

it’s the fact that me and damafaud both had no idea of what we were doing. it just contaminated you and made you pick the wrong target


This is my first time as evil evil and not neutral evil.

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let’s hope it works again for the dongonpa Forum game… :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, regardless of performance, I think that everyone tried their best to win.
Sure, some people made mistakes, that happens.
But it was, ultimatively, a very close game that allowed a win for the Unseen, but also for the Demon and the Blue Dragon.

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“Dama and Insanity, yes. PKR and Frost… no.”


You understimated the true power of the unseen.

No, I didnt.
The Demon attacked the Mastermind.
Fade did not protect the Baker, allowing the Mastermind to convert.
Pete executed the Mastermind.
The Baker gave bread Night 1, and only to baddies.

You and your faction won, but that makes your play, and especially PKR’s play not better.
There were alot of failures from both the Blue Dragon and the Demon, and only that allowed you to win.

If cw was on snake
I was lynching dama

Then if game continued

I would of executed the demon/thief

And bd would of won

Like I said, the Unseen did deserve to win, because their opponents made more critical misplays, but that should not make any Unseen who played badly proud of their win.

I’m just salty as it was a guaranteed win for bd.

I’m proud of my win.