SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

That’s ok, you played decently

i’m proud of the fact i was unlucky enough to Feed 2 scum at random.

Tbh snake it was a unique game so it’s learning.
I hold no grudge on you for that.

i hope no one does. it was a tactic, it just didn’t work out.

It was thanks to you, actually.

You called me Baker or said I could be Baker.

Otherwise, I would have claimed Observer.

well, yeah. You were really unlucky, and really lucky at the same time.
You were lucky that the Demon misplayed, and unlucky that you feeded 2 scum Night 1.
You were decieved into feeding the Demon, but you cannot always see the truth, sometimes you just get decieved.
It was your first game, and the reasoning for your actions wasn’t bad.

it all balances out in the end… heh?

I just wanna know why noone else called utter bullshit on PKR randomly using his Maid ability to find a royal and it happened to be a Royal. I should have realised that Frost was evil as if he was BD he would have jumped on that immediately.

Ya that was not optimal, but you really could have been a second Baker, so what? It is a game of deception and sometimes you have to guess, and then you guess incorrectly.
There is a difference between being decieved into a misplay(thats not good, but happens)
and making a clear blunder(“I couldn’t read it all”, “I forgot that the MM is night immune”(thats really bad, and should not happen)

sometimes, stuff happens. sometime, someone picking targets at random pick 2 Scum. sometime, people that check for royal blood find royal blood n1. :stuck_out_tongue:

Who me?

PKR took sweet ass time to make claim.

Why would a Maid ever use Royal Blood ability over compare N1 with nothing to go on???

Like PKR would never do that.

Mercenary = Screwed from the start

:< There was absolutely no chance that I was winning this game.

Yeah pretty much lol. Unless you were on Prince or something you were screwed. Honestly your best hope was to try get your original target killed immediately so you could offer services to Prince, but even that would have been a very long shot.

Yes, there was zero chance for you, as a Mercenary you had to protect a Squire, absolutely unconfirmable claim, and this with famine.

@JammySplodge Can I have a pity half/win? <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


everyone would need a pity win tbh xD

The court wizards made BD loose, and demon… well, demon happened

@Unknown Yes if Alfa was on Snake, then we lost our chances and because two nobles got converted first night, we’re exceeding the member limit over 3 (4) and thus we have to sacrifice ourselves since you think we played bad, but in reality this is meant to be happen. Why? We allow to be on the spotlight and somewhere in the darkness, we abducted someone important.

You can’t keep saying that me and PKR played bad because we got killed with poor defenses, claims and we have evidence pinned on us - because this is exactly what we did, attract attention to draw the remaining unseen away.