SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

okay, I get this is a meme but it’s bugging me
#the time at which you receive your class card is IN NO WAY INDICATIVE OF YOUR CLASS OR FACTION, I use the links at the thread top so it’s indicative of how many posts you had before the game started AND NOTHING ELSE


When PKR turns out to be MM at the end of the game you’ll all see.

ATM i’m leaning towards a nolynch tbh unless any info appears. IMO Prince should claim so baker can feed him. Chances are we have a Physicican/Knight so he will be protected.

i’m pretty sure bakers will feed everyone anyway…

2 Bakers max. Doubt it.

On second thoughts Prince should claim tomorrow if he has not been given bread today or tonight. Any Bakers should aim for their potential Prince reads, which is sadly not me, Pete or Polik. RIP.

Ok i know I’m dead but i bribed jammy with some steamy pics

Anyways-no angleshooting. This consists of scum reading for real life, personal reasons, and rolecard receiving. Essentially anything that brings out of thread reasons as incriminating evidence(or a defense) is angleshooting. Angleshooting isn’t a real argument(or defense) and shouldn’t be used. Sure, it might be right but it would be sheer coincidence. There is one situational exemption in inactivity, but otherwise avoid using out of thread shit to accuse/defend. Thanks, and peace!

Jammy CLEARLY covering for PKR cuz she doesn’t want MM to die D2. Wake up Sheeple!!! :sheep:

I’m kidding I said I didn’t want to hang him lol. I apologise for any offense caused Ingreet and hope you recover.

I’m not offended i just asked jammy to make a PSA and she said yes so i did

Anyways actually poofing bye

That means that bakers should keep feeding the persons they fed if no jailor claims tomorrow, as they fed him already.
going to sleep. see y’all later.

No lol cuz Bread lasts for 2 Nights. that is the least optimal way to feed everyone. 100% feed someone different to who you have already fed.

But we all know plex gets converted early game

Bread takes effect night 3
So there’s 2 days to work.

SP and I assume if Hippolytus is jailed then my action didn’t go through you.

And why sudden chance of not lynching D2 king now?

It is for this reason why I am starting to think King should remain hidden.

I slept peacefully by the way,

I am against lynching King when

A) they have not claimed as Neutral so whas the point?
B) I am not fool trying to seems sus by pushing for a needless Jammy lynch

The Lynch is not needless. Famine means that most people will die at night 3.

Correction. A lynch is not needed if people start died starving at Night 3, so not everyone will be saved.

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Just don’t feed Polik lol. D4 a BD King can stand. Ez.

I am one of the Bakers, and I have given Bread to exactly no one. I might give bread to myself later, but unless there are persons I can trust, I will not deliver bread. If there is a second baker, they might do the same. If there is no second baker, then maybe 3 or so people will survive Night 3.
Oh, and Observers, please be on me so that no one tries to convert me. The prince could also jail me(plz not night 3) to protect me.