SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

and yeah, you totally did change your journal
going from killing-not killing to 2 possible class types
we can hange braixen if hes wrong

speaking of which, how would you know that insanity is a killing type?

He said he’s Knight, so I have to make sure he’s not fake-claiming.

It’s likely Lymphoma might have visited me who I am visiting, who knows.

That will be his test as well, Braixen already failed.

There’s no way I am Butcher according to Braixen.

yes there is, because according to him you could be neutral
which means you could be butcher
also, stop acting like you’re confirmed already; your not

You’re so narrow-minded, Braixen is not Princess.

You’re saying that brotherhood and butcher won’t fall for the voting trick twice?

Sketch is correct that might make me look suspicious, but I am aware of the consequences that I vote whatever I like. I would say the same for people that didn’t voted _AfterTech, read the first line and you understand.

i was talking about according to braixen
so yeah, according to Braixen, you are neutral or bh, and as such could be butcher

Nonsese, Butcher is not the only neutral role.

Am I being checked? Maybe?

doesnt mean you cant be butcher

i didnt say you were, i said you could be

Yes I can’t be butcher.

No neutral killer want to make this obvious.

you can
you are no more confirmed than braixen is
no more,
no less

Correct-o, are you going to afford mislynch?

what makes it so that you cant be butcher
even if braxien didnt investigate you, you still could be butcher

and if you’re not neutral/bh,
then we can hang braixen, whos probably serpent

Oh yeah sure, hang the serpent target. Good idea.


And if I end up dead at night either by prince, butcher or Mercenary if I did voted Lymphoma. Then the serpent has no choice but side with either brotherhood or Butcher, you know their goals.

so I’ll be glad if I have healing from fireslol, but I understand PKR need the most, so a guard will be nice. But consider what I just said.

I am not surprised by sketch’s tactics by the way, just because less majority of the votes are not confirmed doesn’t mean they are 100% scum.

Don’t you have anything better else to do, by the way? Trying to vfc a lot of people are bad for us and mislynching on first stand is as worse.

i dont think braixen is serpent
i only said that he probably is if you’re not neutral/bh