SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

exactly why, if its not too harmful to us, we’re better off hanging the serpent target
because after that, they win, and dont have to side with evil

There’s no guarantee the serpent will agree to this.

What if brotherhood already has five members total?


No reason to trust Braixen over Frost, I think.

it doesnt hurt serpent to side with bd after evil has majority, if their target doesnt get hanged
in fact, they could make it so they themselves die, and it wouldnt hurt their chances; they’ve already won, they dont need to survive

Except they can do whatever they want, like helping brotherhood to destroy blue dragons and the butcher.

If you don’t kill Braixen first and I need to make sure I won’t be converted or killed.

if (we dont kill braixen first and you need to make sure you wont be converted or killed), what?
theres an argument for the if statement, but nothing for if the argument is met

You don’t know that, I understand.

Just remember who pushed everyone to vote me, maybe next time you allow only confirmed people to lead the votes, not for someone like me or Braixen.

how does that in any way answer my question?

A what, is not a question…

be more specific.

what is the second part of the if statement mentioned, for if the argument is met:

Take it back, Simon.

You’re editing my comment.

Frostwolf wants me dead, I really do suspect them of being non-blue dragon


It is hard to decide here…


You forced everyone to vote me.

I didnt, I just provided the information that I found.

Yes you did.

You made vague to none proof that I am neutral or Brotherhood.

That is what I am trying to do, I dont want to go out and say my class

I am obvious not attacked, nor occupied, you are not even psychic.

I am calling you Initiate, that’s how you found me out.

I am not initiate but you just said that I was correct with the statement “thats how you found me out”.
Leading me to believe 99% you are neutral or Brotherhood. Seeing as though you just confirmed my accusation
