SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

Where did it say demon was playing
Brotherhood vs bd vs butcher

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Maybe the Infiltrator might be able to to turn into a Brotherhood Assassin, at the cost of not being able to convert ever again, or something.

I think you did not read the description right, Icibalus.

This faction does not kill people and there won’t be neutral killers.

Well, the only way for The Brotherhood to kill are using the votes to their advantage.

Each recruitment upgrade gives them higher abilities, for example, “The Brother” can use Psychic announcement and can Occupy others, so getting “The Brother” early is powerful for The Brotherhood.

The Disciple can put someone to sleep for the next day, making it opportunistic to hit the Constable who may have vital information and can even Plant evidence on others, essentially ‘Framing’ them.

Initiate get’s a little mix of Princess/Observer - Gets class type + who they targeted that night, with the added Death immunity (cause he’s not in his own room). I thought about making it a… “Dies with their target if their target is attacked” cause he’s basically hiding in their room. But I deemed it too much of a nerf.

Overall there are two ways to Recruit for The Brotherhood. Infiltrator, with his basic “Bribe” and has no Cooldown, which I thought was fitting since there are no Killers in The Brotherhood. Failing a Bribe, the Associate can Abduct his chosen target, which will make it so they can’t Whisper or Vote the following day. But this gives The Infiltrator a Cooldown (kinda like a downfall). Either way, they may be guaranteed a recruit within the first night.

As for actual Killers, that’s where The Butcher comes in. He’s a mad man obsessed with Blood. If he gets a kill, he gets covered in blood, as does everyone else who visited his target. Meaning more people covered in blood meaning more people would be suspected as The Butcher when checked by investigative classes. Princess is really the only hard counter to this though.

The Butcher’s blood spilling can be used at The Brotherhood’s advantage in a way too.

But yeah, this is the real game of deception :wink: Maybe. Who knows.

Also, I kept the Logo basic, it is a First of Revolution but altered slightly and made Gold-ish

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The Butcher (Neutral Killer)
Passive: Unique + Immune to Recruitment
Night Ability 1: Cleave
You will kill your target tonight and will remove any Journal they may have written in. You and anyone else who visited will also be covered in blood and any investigative will see this in any of their results. - infinite uses

Except this one, everything else is thrown out.

But yeah, I do appreciate you guys trying something out that’s at least different.

No Faction based Killer, just straight Recruit+Recruit+Recruit+Vote to Kill.

Cause now you have:
Unseen - Convert and Kill
Cult - Convert to Kill
Brotherhood - Recruit to Vote to Kill

If this works out, I’m gonna be over the moon! :grin: I’m confident though.

We’re going to be constantly reassessing scum teams every day :sweat_smile:


FoL5 - No Cult Conversion Cooldown :wink: see it like that in a way

remind me to fix those class cards at some point to make them fit with the rest of the FoL Cards

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Shameless bumping.




Flumpty Bumpty.

If this game doesn’t fill before the end of next week, I’ll swap slots with @JammySplodge and host this after SFoL7 (which will then be SFoL6 and this will be 7)

Can we still join? If so /join


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