SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

PKR, you should get a claim from Jammy in jail.

She doesn’t want her Merc hanged even though it gave him a possibility to kill you tonight.
She’s highly sus on my radar.

when did pkr become confirmed prince?


Jammy nornally we wouldn’t need a D2 claim but you have a merc. We have to hang him or you now though as the 2 confirmed important BD roles voted you :roll_eyes:


No we fucking don’t

are you gonna link/quote it or not

When I pushed him to claim but Im sorry


I don’t think hanging Jammy is necessary. I do want Prince to get a role from her though.

Even if Jammy is Constable, we have two Physicians - one for Prince and one for Constable.

One of us will be converted tonight, no doubt, as Brotherhood don’t want to whiff their conversion.

If we hang Noz - My Night Plan:

Prince jails Jammy
fireslol heals PKR
I’ll WIFOM heal fireslol or Pete/Lymphoma Observer
King sends guards to me
Constable should Stake Out either me or fireslol

If I’m dead tomorrow, Simon dies for not assisting the BD.

Gimme better ideas if you have them.

ok, i will

thank you for giving me a chance to prove myself, instead of lynching me outright because i might swap to bh

Quality reply. Solid logic.

Give your reasons lol don’t just say no.

I’m not letting you live past tomorrow night.

they are

and how, might i ask, would you kill me night 3?

Your clearly evil tbh and imma fos anyone who invests any interest into keeping you alive.

Just fucking hang him tomorrow you lemons. He’ll have to choose a BD king and we have another unconvertable role.

that “because i might swap to bh” quote wasnt me saying i will or i might
it was my portrayl of your reasoning to hang me tomorrow
so using it as reason to hang me really makes no sense

here, have the whole comment:

you say that ill have to and i say you’re wrong
i dont have to
i can, without gamethrowing, as i have stated many times before
and you realize that me saying that is supposed to be reason to not hang me, because if you do ill be working against you, but if you dont, ill be working with you