SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

He voted you. Merc is on you. Read merc card.


Merc knows if he kills prince, he will die

Noz is not an idiot
he won’t kill the Prince Night 2

Fos Jammy y u lie

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A Merc would 100% take that opportunity if they believe their contract is evil.

I wish I could vote up Jammy today. But Merc first.

Lymph, you’re BD observer right?

Vote up Noz if you want the Prince to live.

We’re saving the Prince AND getting rid of a possible neutral/evil role at the same time. This is a no-brainer.

well what if he thinks jammy is good?

You’d rather you live than me?
What sort of scum are you?!

Mr Strawman, how lovely to see you again


Lynching Noz today is the second most retarded thing we could do right now

jammy is not saying that at all

jammy’s saying that they dont think noz will kill you

whats #1?

Most retarded things possible:
Lynch me
Lynch Constable
Lynch Fireslol/Sketch
Lynch Lymph
Lynch You
Lynch Merc


if we REALLY think Noz is dumb enough to attack the Prince, then someone can occupy him/protect PKR

Lynch PKR

I only voted you as we need your claim.
We need to know what faction the Merc is on.

we don’t know who the Constable is, so that doesn’t count

also whay are fires, Sketch and Lymph so important?

he’s with the bloody Blue Dragon

Fires saved me last night
Sketch couldn’t have been converted
Lymph claims observer. Which isn’t easily falsifiable

it super duper is