SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

yeah, okay then
my thing was a joke, how i could hear you pronouncing it wrong through the screen
and i thought you were making another joke
and just use “k-ale”

as in the alcohol, ale

simon, tell us how you feel about me and pkr

no ones going to argue with how to pronounce that!

what do you mean?

do you hate us? what do you think this is about? what do you think about our actions?

please do tell

very confused
did i do something in particular to cause this?

no just want to know more about your behivour

i dont hate either of you
that honor now falls to hippo
there hasnt been really any actions of note from you or pkr, standard differences. No spectacular leaps in logic (at least not yet)
and what do i think this about?
you’re going to be more specific
what do i think what is about?


hmm, what do you think hippos hate for you is about?

partially how i type, generally skipping a line instead of using a period to separate thoughts, that sort of thing (and how i leave out periods on the last sentence of a line/post)
partially his fury to neutral kings, probably due to someone he put his head on the line for, that ended up backstabbing him/bd, or maybe a similar thing that happened multiple times
and partially because of how we see situations in general, like me threatening bd for if they hang me to incentivize not doing that, rather than pleading for my life, which i still do, believe me, i just provide negative reinforcement instead as well as positive. Another example of this is how in my threats i say that i will do something to blatantly harm bd, although that may harm my chances, as he pointed out. I still will go through with them, though. I said before something that describes this well; id rather be honorable/consistent and lose, than backstabbing and win
this is coming from someone who, for all 3 years of middle school, refused to run or tag in a game called Hyperspace (1 team/half of gym, goal is to get every person to behind court on the other team’s side. if you tag someone from the other team thats on your side, they have to go back to their side and try again).
i refused to run or tag anybody when er played that game, despite how it would seem to hurt my chances, as it seems obvious that you have to run to win, right?
well what i did is i consistently had a reputation of constantly trying to walk to the other side, turning around if tagged, and not avoiding people, i also refused to tag people, i even said hi to them as they were crossing onto my side
seems dumb, right?
well, easily over 90% of the time i was one of the first 10/15 to cross (out of 2 classes of 30)
thats what i mean. if i can get a reputation up that i always do that, that means that bd will trust me more, i can stick with them successfully, and boom!
its become a valid stategy
thats what i mean by i have to uphold my reputation

all of this is basically proof that what i was saying about what my reputation is true; you dont have to read it

none of this is game talk really; i would be willing to continue this conversation in a pm, if you so choose.

that actually makes a lot of sense

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its just an abnormal way of going about it

I want to ask an irrelevant question:
If someone guarded my door, should I say?

i think you just did
but why do you ask
(it wasnt me)

It is for another thing which is not important. And since I said it is irrelevant, it is irrelevant.