SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

You wot?

Order of best investigatives


Can someone translate English for me?


how is priest better than observer?

priest can res

he was talking about investgatives

It was a joke that I have more chance to find scum as Priest than Observer.

But yeah also Priest is clearly better than Observer if you judge it on overall worth not investigative power.

Nobody died last night which means;

  1. the Butcher hit the Infiltrator, Associate or hit Jammy in jail. The Butcher likely knows who the Infiltrator or Associate is.
  2. Jammy is the Butcher since she was roleblocked.

Myself, Simon, fireslol, PKR, Hippo and Lymphoma were not attacked which leaves the following people who may have been attacked:

  1. PolikShadowBliss

  2. Rogue

  3. Insanity

  4. JammySplodge

  5. Icibalus -> Fanax

  6. Frostwolf103

  7. AfterTech

  8. Damafaud

  9. Braixen

Again, Jammy was roleblocked so again, she has a better chance to be Butcher than anyone else right now. I imagine she claimed Constable/Noble in jail out of desperation.

This should be our current lynching pool. We have at least a 3 in 9 chance of killing scum (if nobody has been converted), 4 in 9 (if 1 was converted) or 5 in 9 (if 2 have been converted thus far). Obviously, we’ll take their defense into consideration.

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I was not attacked.

Why would you think your words meant anything in this context?

The person who got attacked by Butcher isn’t going to claim it

And if NOBODY truly did get attacked by Butcher, Jammy is Butcher.

Hmm. Interesting.

or, butcher pulled a strategic move and attacked no one to draw suspicion to jammy
that is possible too

Town suggests decisions based on probabilities

Scum suggests decisions based on possibilities

since when?
i just like to get all the possible options out there because we could totally be missing something

Just vote Simon already.

what person made you out-right and always hate neutral kings?

I don’t hate Neutral Kings, I hate all Neutrals - or at least Neutrals who always claim and then expect an ez win. In a few FoL games we had Greedy, Fool, and even fucking NK just claim Neutral and get a free win.

Enough is enough. I will not let these filthy neutrals beg for wins and then backstab us at every opportunity to get an ego boost. No.

When I’m Neutral I claim a town role and actually try work for a win.

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except, heres how i see it (doesnt really work for king, but the idea still stands)
if im a neutral that can work with town, i will claim neutral, because in the future someone’s going to investigate me and find that im not town, and i see myself hanged for lying
also, why wouldnt you claim neutral? you dont have to work against town, so theres no reason to hang you, or at least, thats how i see it

and that way, town can use your abilities in a plan to help them, and the neutral, win