SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

wait isn’t the mad king in this game?

and cowardly, greedy, and mad king are in this game, not fanatical and psychopathic


Hey, so, I thought I’d let you know me and Alfa forgot to mention the super secret Class that was we’ve implemented :wink: (It’s not a Killer, don’t worry), oh and it’s not on any of the Class cards, we’ve just had to write one up for it. That might be a hint. poofs

so how has that person done actions if there was no written abilities?

they made a special role card specifically for this game (and maybe to add after, i dont know)

Well, I dunno a way of telling you without giving away what it is but, it wouldn’t exist just yet…

are you associate as i dout you were healed or something else?

/vote pkr
i think your associate and i call bs on your heal claim

Welp there was no other deaths though


yeah it was prob a brotherhood attack, that is, unless a bd steps up who attacked him

Its not a brotherhood attack, they literally have no killing class

does hippo have a new role then?

ok confirmed himself as scum

scum or fool

sorry, butcher then

  1. NozBugz - Claims infiltrator / merc – could be fool

Or could be dumb person who forgets that infiltrator is brotherhood

thats what i think he did thinking brotherhood was good lol

i think a knight or prince should just execute nozbugs tbh

Shouldn’t waste it