SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

Scum or no scum can do that, you have made no proof come up to the table.

I demand proof.

how did i edit your comment? if i unintentionally edited in a quote, im sorry; it was unintentional
i just have no idea what you mean here:

Why would I give information to someone I don’t trust?

Sometimes it isn’t about who you trust but how much all of us trust you…


Because I think you’re not Psychic, not Princess, not Constable, you simply did VFC and forced everyone to vote me, you have no evidence I am either Brotherhood or Neutral.

Sketch is good, but he’s mistaken about me, I do have alternative lynch target today.

I am still claiming Princess, I had brainfart to come up with old princess results and actually thought it was good idea to point out the outdated from me, that was purely a joke.

So how about for Fireslol, _AfterTech and Insanity that I got the results at least have true type among them?

Yes, I am killer.

Are you Butcher? Be honest here and it might make you more likely to survive


The reason I investigated Insanity if to find out if I spot Killer-type among Insanity.

@PokemonKidRyan You’re Prince, so you’re Killer-type.

this would be really sus if you werent prince

hey, sorry for not giving much notice, but im leaving quite soon to go to summer camp. I will be gone for a week, so ill probably need a replacement

@Frostwolf103’s fate was decided to be Guilty by the King himself. He was The Infiltrator.

Night 4 begins. (@Queen_Alfa @TryphonX @JammySplodge @FadeBlade @robflop if one of you could lock this thread and delete this backeted section <3 )

Send in your Night Actions!

King @Simon has requested replacement! Replaced by @NozBugz (is fine with Alfa)


Guess who died!! Nobody… :expressionless: It’s Day 5!

NozBugz has returned but is replacing Simon (nothing in Dead chat anyway, Alfa said they could)

I slept peacefully.
Again, no Butcher kill.

i was prevented from visiting fires

Also, I was occupied last night.
That is all.

I feel bad for BH almost.
They lost their power class
Although I’m probably just going to be abducted every night now >_>

So, any ideas what we should do guys?
We sorta need to get rid of that other very powerful BH class or Butcher. Like now