SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

No. I mean Pete for pushing trying to push people using easy ML bait

BD needs me.
Don’t make me claim.
Make Pete claim, help me guys

Eventually the constable have to check either both of them.

Vote Pete and if needed, constable can check me tonight

Wow pkr really defensive
Pure act of scum
You need to chill out relax
Don’t get so defencesive so you look like scum

I’ll say this and someone should confirm me.

associate is never night immune on their own. did you mean another role?

/vote pete
ive said before that i think hes sus

@Sketch mind getting a bit active and confirming me now. Thanks.
Don’t say what I am.
Just confirm me

are you saying sketch is the physician

Scum to confirm scum
One little scum claim on pkr
And your break down in a massive defencesive plot.
Throwing your toys out your pram

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That’s what I found out about him.
Whether it’s true or not, I won’t be able to guarantee all the time

How does sketch know you or you know them?
Unless you talk to each other at night how do you know?

You visited sketch
But you wouldn’t find out he is a doc

Oh wow.
It’s not like there’s a non scum role who talks to people at night.
Oh wait, there’s quite a few

Your not Prince as he wouldn’t of healed you.
And if you were Prince why would you tell him who u were

O wait I’m in this game xD

Just to name some roles who talk at night: Prince, Psychic.
There’s probably more but I cannot quite think

So what are u claiming

I’m not claiming out loud.
Only claiming to Sketch right now.
As he knows what I am.
I’m just hoping he is Phsyician and not Brotherhood now