SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

You claim to of spoken to him
But why would you tell them who u are night 1
Unless your scum in s discord together

What about if I didn’t tell him who I was.
But the fact I can say his role tells you guys I’m confirmed anyway

There’s no class that tells you Somone class
Not in tol at least

okay ive been afk for a while wut i miss

Me v Pete.
Pete pushing 2 easy mislynches and me crumbling a bit as I get frustrated sometimes

Pkr states he is talking to people at night
And can find out there exact class

Pkr broke down when pressure was put on him

I’m also saying not to force me to claim and trying to get someone who can confirm me to well, confirm me

okay what two easy mislynches is pkr talking about

Visit me tonight then and prove yourself

Oh, he is Psychic?

Me, Noz

Noz admitted to being infiltrators
He then found out brotherhood was bad
And claimed Merc
Poss fool aswell

I’ll pass thanks scum

Pkr refuses to prove himself tonight
100% locked in

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wait pkr you claim psychic

And refuses to prove himself to bd

I’m proven already if you’d bother reading.
I’m proven to Sketch

why the fck would you do that?

He refuses to visit me tonight and prove himself