SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

I suppose there is no harm in keeping a Nuetral King around.

It is still Day 2 after all.

If feel like Simon is bad.

That is my read as well.
But a mere read is not enough for a lynch.

He claims neutral so we know he’s not bd, I’m pretty sure that he’s mad King or evil king

If what you are saying is true.
Then why haven’t you cast a vote?

Um I did?

Like 3 hours ago

Didn’t someone tell you to unvote?

Do you think I listened to them?

No. Appears not.

i am trying to not get lynched
if i knew this was how people would react, i would have just claim bd king and acted like i was for the entire game, and i still like to do now, if you would let me.
so thats why i am not a mad king
and to prove im not bh king, you’ll just have to trust me for a bit to prove myself through actions
so i would like to know why you think that

Hmmm. To be fair. The moment Simon revealed himself to be the Neutral King. We have been hounding him relentlessly.

Still, something doesn’t sit right for me.
It is not the fact that he is the Neutral King.
It’s the way he is acting.
Specifically the threats he has been throwing at us.

please give examples and reasonings, i would like to dispute them as best as i can

You have said that you would side with the BH.
Even though we haven’t voted you yet.

if i am hanged

and from my perspective you might as well have, with how sure people were, and how disregarding of my arguments at the time.

Fair point.
Still an empty threat but fair.

anything else?
i find that i act in a way that some people find abnormal/unusual, in my logistic leaps, and how i view, and act on a certain situation

Something feels…weird I don’t know he just acts too susp

Someone acting “suscipous” when they start feeling cornered does not mean that they are scum.

Trust me. I know this from experience.