SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

your mum

Jammys actually right that fires not confirmed tho


PKR is confirmed BD and Sketch is confirmed not converted

that’s about it

And Simon is confirmed bad news

If jammy was constable, she would claim the role
I think jammy might be the secret role

what i miss?

Noz claims Merc on Jammy.
PKR (Prince) voted for Jammy.
Jammy’s class is unknown.
Prince dies to Merc if not healed by a Physician.

Simon is likely Cowardly King. He hardclaimed it early on but then tried to claim he was a Mad King once Hippo started pressuring him.

I’d say Jammy is only Constable or Scum from her behavior. Constable because she insists on keeping the protection from Merc to avoid Butcher attacks. Scum because she doesn’t understand why keeping a Merc alive is so suspicious right now.

I’m assuming Jammy is a decent player. If she isn’t, she could very well be a BD class that is vouching for a Merc that will attack Prince tonight.

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i have not once claimed mad king, i have claimed cowardly from the start
and prince doesnt die if merc doesnt attack him, we have no evidence that he will, also, i though i was guarding pkr so that he doesnt die

@Ami do not attack PKR you fucking lemon



we’re done


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im still guarding him
will he be told if he was guarded (specifically guarded)?

Dont waste it im healing pkr

Last I check, the guard can only stop attacks and when they are not attacked, they won’t get notified.

He may aswell waste it tbh best not gonna love long enough to use them again

okay, so i know that it was fires heals someone, and sketch heals fires, and constable is on one of them, but i thought they were healing someone else. So who am i supposed to be guarding, then?

guard sketch, im healing pkr, constable is on me


so how about a deal for me:
i do what you ask me to, and you keep me on a short leash, one step out of line, and you lynch me.
(if hippo responds im ignoring it since it seems that he has some sort of grudge against neutral kings outright, regardless of what they do, and as such i would see his response as biased)

You’ve stated multiple times you’ll consider siding with BH. At this point I don’t care tbh. It won’t be my fault when you fuck us in the ass. Just remember that.

If the rest of BD is too ignorant to not hang the obviously scummy king then that’s on them. I’ll leave it for now but anyone seriously wanting Simon as King should be sus.

#Less than 24 hours to go! :prince::studio_microphone:





Plex’s Dinner:

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