SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

actually, not one time have i stated that i would consider helping bh, quite the opposite, infact. I’ve been saying that i’ll only and entirely help the bd if I am not hanged, and that the reason most Neutral Kings dont is mostly because you do stuff like hang them day 2/3, when there’s no solid, ability evidence, only the precedent that neutral kings are backstabbers. When trying to help bd means that happening, of course most wont.
I’ve only ever said that i might/would help bh if i am hanged (particularly on day 2/3)

so no, i have never said that i might help bh alive (besides when im saying it because im saying that its your only argument for hanging me, in which case i am not actually suggesting that i might/am considering helping bh )

if you think otherwise, find a post in which i do, and reply to it with why/where you think i am saying i might side with bh. I am saying reply, because if you quote, you could just quote the part where im saying i might join bh, in a post where im just saying that as an argument for why you should not hang me, or why you do not have any hard evidence or precedents of me

SO, to everyone else, deal?

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The thing is Simon you’re obviously only going to step out of line when we CANT hang you ie it’s too late for us to stop you and the BH.

I’ve heard that line a million times but I’ve said my piece. If everyone else wants to keep you alive imma be quiet for the rest of the game and laugh for days when BD get fucked. Hopefully I’m converted by that point to make it even sweeter.

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no deal
/vote simon

you’re only going to step out of line when the leash is broken

if the deal goes right, we’ll never get to that point because bh will never have majority

That’s if it goes right

Fire were not hanging him today though. Vote Noz it someone else. I’ll take hit tomorrow if butler doesn’t get him tonight.

you do realize, though, that im exactly the kind of person who goes through with that deal, all the way, just to set the precedent that it is possible

and because of this, no, you cant 100% assume that i will do that
you cant even say that its most likely, because you dont know who i am and how i act
you can only say that i might

Simon it’s nothing about your character. There is no reason why BD would choose to have at best a Neutral King who can and will backstab them or at worst a new BH King over a previously convertible but now non convertible BD role.

On top of that you have acted amazingly scummy.

where? i want specifics, not “ive flopped a lot” or “you’ve said that you could join bh”, give me a post where i acted scummy, and an explanation for why, so i can dispute it

I’m on mobile. I’ll do it when I get back from work in 10 mins

@Simon if you vote for Noz today I won’t vote you up tomorrow

@fireslol vote up Noz please. He’s higher priority right now.

I feel like there are only 7 people playing this game

why, if prince isnt going to die tonight?
i mean, i will, i just want to know why
/vote noz

/vote noz


#I haven’t seen you post since /confirm. Are you still active?

There is still the small risk of Prince dying and it’s not worth it to keep a Merc around with a contract for a scummy player who hasn’t claimed.

If Noz flips BH, obviously execute Jammy, PKR.

I think he is Merc, but the threat of his existence is high. Jammy is either overvaluing her Merc or is scum.

Please guard me tonight Simon. I’ll heal fireslol and he’ll heal PKR. Constable will WIFOM Stake Out one of us.

i am
what does WIFOM stand for

Why would you kill Merc? My contract is Jammy, I softed that a while a go.

apparently because prince voted for jammy, and you’re noz

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