SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Hm, so there wasn’t as much to catch up on today.
Wazza giving us a readlist is some progress, even if I don’t really agree on it – but then again, he obviously haven’t read through everything.
The whole “TL on Arete because he didn’t know they are Oneiromancer” could be faked, but I’m not going to go deep into this because I don’t fully believe in it.
He’s still firmly in the bottom of my list, to be honest.

The few posts I wanted to talk about while scrolling down:

Healers should be WIFOMing their healing among their top TRs. Magnus has two days and a potential to self-resolve – ‘proving’ a heal that can be claimed by multiple people when we can clear out the PoE doesn’t sound like a good idea to me at all.
Unless Magnus actually keeps his words and:

Does just that.

Next, this post from @Chloe

Shows me that not only you didn’t read 61, you didn’t read through my posts on Seth either.
I literally told you several times, that:

Which is precisely why I’ve been asking people for their opinions on him so much.
His opener was fine, and then he started dropping and dropping and dropping – which reminds me of 61.
Hell, Chloe, you literally played with him when he was LW in Insurgency – he barely existed there too.

Last thing, to everyone who is currently SLing/SRing EightySecond – could you please make a compelling case against her?
Because I keep seeing people saying that she belongs in PoE and her posts look “performative”/nothing is “unfakeable”, but it’s the same as Centuries on D1, and I’m not seeing it.
The only one who talked with me about her was TBE, whom I explicitly asked to give me the posts that felt weird to him.
Also Seth claims that he has been SRing that slot since D1 and I’ve yet to see any reasoning for that.

KyoDaz was LW in Insurgency, Seth was normal groupscum.

Huh, for some reason I thought that was Seth.
Because I distinctly remember him saying “I’m going to try a new playstyle”/“I’m not going to be as aggressive” and then doing almost nothing.
Either way, I’m going to look at the way people interacted with me today because TBE did make an interesting observation:

Oh and
@Emilia Could I have a full readlist when you are around again?

Quote spam incoming, you’ve been warned.

Honestly, just like I said before – most of the interactions so far have been initiated by me, because I’ve been trying to question and engage with everyone in the thread. But skipping Chloe/PK/Arete for obvious reasons, let’s see.

Blizer’s focus on me still feels weird – if you look at his ISO from D2, 5 out of his 8 posts are replies to me, 1 is a reply to Gorta, the other two are mirroring my stance on not seeing the TMI during Jane’s/Eighty’s argument.
As in, those replies weren’t really replies to anyone – they were just statements put into the thread.

Gorta was replying to me quite a bit, but that was because I explicitly asked him to give me his reads/thoughts before that.

Interactions between Jane and myself read basically the same way as they read on D1, not to mention that I remember some skepticism about my slot (the whole mention of Fiddler sounded like they weren’t sure about me and expected more from me).

Eighty replied to me because I asked them for reads, just like Gorta.

And from there on she didn’t seem especially preoccupied with my slot, though we did talk more afterwards – but none of it was weird from what I remember. I still want to re-ISO her later for reasons, though.

TBE himself spoke with me a bit, but seemed to hold his read on my slot when I asked him for initial thoughts.

Actually, from what I remember he didn’t ever talk about me while catching up at all, the first mention of me outside of one certain question (which I’m going to mention below) is in this readlist:

Not sure what to make of it.

Also, the question:

@TheBlueElixir I’m curious to know – what did you expect to gain from this?

The rest (Unknown/Wazza/Centuries) didn’t focus on me at all.

Maybe I’m deep into the tunnel but I’m still not feeling good about Blizer’s slot.
Tbf it’s harder to find sudden shifts in people’s read on me, since a good amount seemed to TL me on D1, while others didn’t have strong opinion on me at all.

So tl;dr, this doesn’t really tell us much.

Welp… looks like this day is going to end in a no-lynch… and there’s not really anything I can do about it… thanks Seth.

Is there anyone you’d like me particularly to case? It’d be better than sitting around and doing nothing, I guess.

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This is literally why TbC is problematic, not only we didn’t get VCA, we are probably not going to get a lynch out of it either.

Perhaps talk to me more about Emilia?
I’m mostly looking back at the moment and trying to find things that I might’ve missed, but I’m not getting much.

A little bit appalled that perspective reads barely work this game because there’s just… no perspective. I suppose it could be the lack of N1 kill that we could analyze, but yeah.
At least we got some mech today and we have some sort of a gameplan moving forward (regarding Arete/Magnus).

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Seriously where the heck are the 4 people in council? I know Jane is here yet the others seem to have gone AWOL.

I suppose the only consolation is that Mode can’t use TBC again for the rest of the game when it could have been even more disruptive late game.

Unknown is probably going to show up later in the day judging by their previous activity? I think the main issue is 101.

I guess that’s the only saving grace of this mess.

Could you give me your top 3/bottom 3 reads? Or just reads that you feel the strongest about.
Also, talk to us about Emilia as well if you would.

They have less posts than usual, but it’s probably NAI as they’re actually doing things with them instead of having like 700 fluffposts.

I think most of these takes are at least somewhat unique iirc? It also feels like they’re actually trying to solve instead of just asking questions, which is mostly what I’ll try to read them off.

They’re a townlean for me.

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Top 3 reads are you, Chloe and Jane.
Bottom 3 reads are Blizer, Mode and Magnus.

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Emilia has been making posts which I find agreeable such as killing the King D2 when we want to instead kill groupscum and NK.

Interesting and original take here

Still interacting with Centuries, which is a good look for Emilia.
I think Emilia is most likely town here.
She is trying to help town by making reads and reasoning things out.

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Actually this is interesting, because I cannot metaread Emilia since I haven’t seen her previous games.
The only thing I remember is her giving up in that one FoL where Vulgard claimed CL as Mercenary.

The main reason I want to look more into her is because I was (still am, I suppose) skeptical/wary of Appentice – but her questioning looks fine?
Some of her questions seemed ‘flat’, but none of them have to be asked – like, I think if she wanted to blend in she could just focus on one slot for extended amounts of time.
One could argue that this is what happened with Wazza, but I’d disagree because she did talk about Chloe and Blizer later.

I initially found myself liking her slot because she was the one person who picked up on Blizer to begin with, although I think I already mentioned that I wanted to hold off the conversation about him for later.
But he never showed up so whatever.
Not to mention that I agree with her conclusion on Wazza.

And yeah, the fact that she isn’t really reiterating consensus reads – another thing that I’d probably expect from coasting scum to do.

Could you talk to me about Magnus more?

Jane, could I get your top 3/bottom 3 too?
I’ll post mine as well:
Top 3 (mech nonsense aside) – Jane, 101, Chloe.
Bottom 3 – Centuries (pure PoE – I don’t SL him), Blizer, Wazza.

Looking over my readlist (it obviously changed today)

it feels really presumptuous to believe that all 3 OG scum are in the bottom.

I don’t really do 3x3’s, but if I had to make one, it’d probably look something like this:

CRich (Could be substituted for 82/101)

Wazza? (I don’t actively scumread them, but they’re less villagery than most others.)

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Still find it curious that you seem to think TBE is scummy.
He does feel different but I’m not really reading him on that because iirc every single game he joined he tried something different.
In 61 he was meek and strained, in 61.5 he was loud, in DG he was controlling.
Here he feels more ‘calm’?
I do want to hear his answer about that question and see more in general.

Anything about TBE that you find odd enough to find scummy?

I mean, their answers here seem more like excuses than actual reasons.

Also, I don’t think Centuries even reacted to it? Which would be more in line with what he thought W!Cent would do, but he still thinks they’re a villager?

I also don’t think V!TBE would react like this, since they would know that they’re a bad push.


It miight just be their playstyle, but they don’t seem very town-motivated to me.

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Well I’m down with TBE being pushed on tomorrow as we no longer have to worry about TBC shenanigans by Seth again.

I do not think he ever did.

Talked about the whole “did my slot soft/what did my slot do” situation before, though I guess there’s some world where it could be faked.
But that would have to mean that he’d expect towncred for it (i.e. for us to make conclusion that he’d ask it in scum chat if he was scum. Which is… a pretty simple conclusion to make).

The only other odd part about it was him bringing it up multiple times, but yeah.

Hence why I want more more more.

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Blizer also hasn’t posted at all, I don’t really think this is a fair comparison! We all wanted Wazza dead until he posted. :woman_shrugging:

His ISO isn’t him making excuses for not playing as opposed to Wazza, so I suspect he may be busy or suddenly couldn’t play (as nothing they said really suggests this was planned)

Let me skim TBE to see what people don’t like about his ISO, but I don’t have very much time.

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