SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Err anyone gonna be active right now or nah? I mean…you don’t have to come out but like this feels kinda lonely…

I am here too, said I would be here for EoD so here I am.
Unfortunately we do not have enough to go off of for what Blizer will flip, so it feels as if we are tossing a coin.

But, I hope it will go well.
Dependant on the flip it could explain some of last night stuff.

I mean, it doesn’t matter.

Highway left without placing a vote even though they said they weren’t going to be back for EoD.

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Except Blizer might not flip at all if 101 is absent and doesn’t vote.
So you know, there’s some potential that this TbC is going to waste the day.


Okay, so not a complete newbie but not super experienced.

Is it a bad time to praise our Lord?

You already said everything I wanted to say about him myself.
So yes, yes it is.

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Let us just hope that highway will actually be back.

But his majesty brought us a day of a likely forced NL!

Surely this is for the best, as 18 people alive is more than 17!

Petty sarcasm aside, this kind of saps the motivation I have into playing the game today.


So I was just bled.
Literally just now.

I think Ans bleed is more likely scum motivated…

That seems pretty unlikely to be a town bleed, given the accusations of you being converted were shut down long ago so the timeframe for a town motivated bleed on you has passed.

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This is an interesting bleed.
And this is a second bleed since Magnus was bled today as well.

Which means that one of those two either came from NK or groupscum.
Or it was both a NK and a groupscum bleed on me/Magnus?

But I think that Magnus was most likely bled by town for the reasons I explained beforehead.

Also, the fact that I was bled now makes me wonder if the one who bled me was paying attention to the thread or not.
And in case this bleed comes from NK, that means we are in a game with a Frostweaver – which makes healing me not safe at all.

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Do you think we have two town bleeders?

I don’t think anyone was going to think that was a town bleed, but okay.


I am glad that my analysis of all possible bleeders has somewhat come in useful here.
Though it would be even better if we knew what faction we are facing.

It is technically possible.
But I doubt you were bled by town due to reasons that EightySecond already covered.


This seems extremely unlikely from every point so yeah – I think that it pretty much has to be a scum bleed, period.
I think almost everyone has been in the thread so far.

And I think most people have seen/read through the whole PK situation.

I mean maybe youre right and im being stupid
Its worth another look

Sure. It was pretty early into the game so i just jotted down a few notes, and didnt have a lot to compare it to. Might take a 2nd look while checking out Seth as well.

  • Opener is consistent regardless of alignment. NAI
  • Self-awareness - “im tired”, etc - doesn’t seem to be a huge tell
  • Postcount is NAI
  • a few other possible wolftells that im not going to say, but havent seen them enough to be mega concerned

Shit sorry i dropped my scissors

Jokes aside though its likely from scum

I also wanna like
Really quickly point out a possibility (that is rather unlikely) that this is faked and Ans is NK or something. But lets not play under that assumption
Mostly just putting it here for postgame cred :wink:

Draketamer and Executioner are the two town bleeders.
If we assume Executioner bled Magnus (I am not saying we should, but people already have so… yeah)
Then if it was a town bleed, it would have to be by a Draketamer.

We should keep this in mind with the flips throughout the game.

My point being that there was a timeframe where Anstreim being bled by town would have made a lot of sense, that time has passed.

Generally there’s not much debate on whether or not the townread person being targeted by a poison at night is the doing of a town or mafia poisoner, but those games also rarely have conversion.