SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!


@CRichard564 what did you get done in allies? Current reads?

We also need to discuss Areteā€™s bubble

And I want Jane and CRich to inform us if Arete adds anyone to it, and who.

Again, why is Mode alive?

If this is a Cult game, I suspect the second cultist has a healing ability. I donā€™t entirely know how these Cult Alts work, but I think thatā€™s possible?

I believe he was told not to use it?
Keep reading just in case

I can backread in a few mins

His ISO is very short.

The last post still implies heā€™s going to kill Mode.

If I am getting this Cult Alts thing right, Ritualist does have access to Healing Magic from Mage I believe, but that would mean starting Ritualist only and specifically them picking healing over anything elseā€¦ kinda odd

Why did you go immediately to healer rather than day occupy?

Because I donā€™t know what a day occupy even is.

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Yes and no. It depends on other people as well as these two.

If you know youā€™re Town then probably not.

Basically, roadblock for day abilities only

Day occupy exists, though like I said before I doubt it would be used on Magnus?
It is possible that he did not use it at all.

Emilia said that he should use it, I debated it since I was somewhat on the fence with Seth ā€“ I donā€™t think he was explicitly told not to ā€“ but he mightā€™ve just not used it.

the fuck was the point of this sentence


? wut

would be nice if we were left with logs

ya know
like we asked a million times

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Thatā€™sā€¦ interesting. I suppose itā€™s a possibility.

From skimming the town support classes, the healer one seems to have fairly useful alts, but thereā€™s two different supports that have psuedo-strongman kills, so a day-occupy seems more likely. Or Magnus just didnā€™t use it.

I was a bit excited to check the thread and see the Lord dead, and having that taken from me is quite uncalled for.

TBE if youā€™re writing a giant wallpost

Please break it into smaller segments so we can discuss each one.
You have been typing for quite some time.

Oh so I did that lmao

Wazzaā€™s fine then?

i should really not be speculating

but holy fuck using this on a summoner would be gamer

The No u of day abilities

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The fact that Ans isnā€™t dead makes me unsure if it is a Frostweaver game - unless Ans lied about the bleed.

I see no reason for them not to use Absolute Zero.