SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!


im actually doing this rn

yesterday was homework (and minecraft) day :upside_down_face:

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We are to discuss who Arete is going to bubble today, right?

Sure, Iā€™ll sheep that.

/Vote TBE

Anyway, I think that - barring mechanical information - Itā€™s best to lynch within the D2 lynch candidates (Or have them at least not survive for very long), so that it wonā€™t entirely be wasted.

We already spoke about it above:

But ideally everyone should give their opinion.

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As I have stated, I am perfectly fine with being in the dreamsphere.

yeah PK is just town lmfao

hes so pure
i dont see newbscum claiming stargazer andā€¦ having what seems to be correct results
and no way he would be okay with being in sphere as scum

my vote for sphere is on him, and my next choice would be UT

I donā€™t disagree on the conclusion, but wolves need to get themselves in that chat if they want Arete to scumside.

Although itā€™d be a lot easier for them to just kill Arete.

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Iā€™m pretty sure there are already 2 town in the chat

if i were wolf iā€™d just bonk em

groupscum would worry about NK killing Arete
NK would worry about groupscum killing Arete

And neither of them want to waste KP on someone who could be protected. WiFoM OP.

Anyway, I agree on adding players who are townread but not very solvy in the likely event they risk it before game ends.

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I did say that PK was town to me, though mostly it was based on gut at the time.
I do think that PK is definitely a safe bet if we are looking to add town to the bubbleā€¦

But if we are confident we already have 2 town in the bubble, adding more just sweetens the deal for evils and they are just going to take it.

We need to seriously consider trying to add some balance to it today or tomorrow as a cautionary measure.


Adding scum to the bubble means Arete stays alive longer which means the scum which are added have to kill within the bubble and any scum outside have to kill outside just to stand a chance.

Scum cannot kill Arete if they are in the bubble unless they are certain they can bounce back from it.

If we are thinking about Areteā€™s survivability this might be best for them.


I think it makes some sense for Arete to wait at least 24 hours and not pick now.
They have one full day to decide so.

im ngl

Trying to come up with a valid strategy for a town-siding OwOmancer confuses me and i really dont wanna get too caught up in the mech shit

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Everyone knows by now ā€œMech Shitā€ is my thing.
So err, leave it to me?

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Was Seth town in ToS2?

im posting a shit ton right now and should slow down, but i cant find it in OP and i know Jane was host
so its easier to ask here


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Sadly yes

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hah, I won ToS2

I dont usually make readlists but cuz u asked
(not in any order)

unknowntraveller(high activity)

Chloe (mech)


chrich( Meta?)

Centuries(seems to be solvey idk about meta)

PKR( he seems to be interested in solving)



eightyseconds, highway (they are experienced from another site? and I dont know their meta)





(obviously bad cuz I usually focus on few people)