SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Any other reads that changed since last time?
Mech information – whatever it is – aside.

I took every reply to ans>every thought about him

because I think scum would interact with him more, even if not about him. I think scum would try to talk to ans more, and try to talk to him.


PKR; prob not gscum

some of the things felt a bit stiff but I dont think he really changed much compared to talking to others and he was doing whatever Ans told him>telling ans to do things. Not very likely gscum

Blizer; too little interaction

he has barely any interaction with Ans; I dont think much of it

Jane; prob not gscum

I already thought Jane was town for other reasons but

he answers ans’ questions, but he’s usually pushing conversation purposefully away from ans. Which wouldnt make alot of sense in trying to find out if youve found the exe or NK.

Eighty; bit more likely to be gscum

the interactions he’s had with ans is more questioning ans and trying to scumhunt them.

In itself, thats not bad, but given the context of scum likely trying to scumhunt ans it does look worse.

(also, it doesnt seem like he’s taking strong stances for/against ans, just testing waters)

Chloe; prob not gscum?

they do do a fair bit of hunting ans but it feels backed-up

like, their always poking at a specific thing if that makes sense

Wazza; too little interaction

nothing really there - he TL’d Ans twice and said something once

PK; prob not gscum

he’s p clear by the whole stargazer thing. Only caba could fake knowing only a support/special visited, and I dont think chloe/PK would do this gambit

(This gambit does relate to ans, but yes, this is mech)

gorta; prob not gscum

gorta seems to be interacting with ans thinking ans is town

the way he interacts and kind of, ‘obey’ doesnt really come from scum trying to find them

CRich; prob not gscum?

very little interaction, but none of it is really directed to ans

UT; prob not gscum?

very little interaction

doesnt really address ans

Cent; more likely to be gscum

he literally said ans is a probable noot

he didnt interact with ans alot, but he also…just didnt interact alot

this took me 3 hours now; and most of it wasnt actually spent solving. In the end, I dont think I got asmuch as I wouldve liked.

this was (mostly) a waste of my time. I think just normally trying to read people wouldve been much more efficient.

ill get to PKR when I can.

I have not read up from SoD(I did see the kill, and lack of), but to everything after what I wrote

ill get to that in a bit

there were a few things that came off as stiff/survivaly

its alot easier to be able to read the important posts and type my conclusions at the same time

and I want people to know which quotes im working with

I didnt have a thought-process along the way besides ‘when does ans come back’ as im scrolling through d2

says who

I literally just quoted every reply to ans to then look at them.

how about saying ‘lets execute anyone but myself and these 4 people’

which does look like pocketing

ill build it when I can

this is me having and continuing to TRing emilia, yes

theres something I meant to write here but im forgetting what I told myself to put

why claim?

oh yeah

the results were somewhat effected by my reads

State your first 2 night actions.

You don’t have to state what you did, just who you targeted.

If I need to know what you did, then I’ll ask you.

well this was underwhelming

Can we not make people out their targets when Arete has already outted that they were visited by the PR on N1?


no duh

do we know who was condemned last night

Outting that just narrows Executioner PoE even more

We do not know who was condemned

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No, and hopefully it stays like that.


so Magnus didnt dust, or king was healed(no logs…)

and its probably a cult game

and its probably a FW game

thats something i guess

gonna start actually reading up from SoD while I have a chance

Doesn’t change the fact that most of his posts on D2 were replies to me – and I still find it weird.

Pretty sure Eighty uses her/she pronouns.
Also most of her focus wasn’t really on me, like those posts:

Were direct replies to me.
Others read more like skepticism/wariness instead of “testing the waters”, but that’s the impression I got from interacting with her.

Last I checked I was among her TR’s as a “newbtown” so I’d count that as taking a strong stance.

Pretty sure the context for calling me neutral was “The only time Anstreim/Chloe are not town together is if Anstreim is a Neutral” or something.

Forgot to finish the thought:

Because I asked for those replies.*
I.e. they were answers, like with PKR/Gorta.

I really doubt that anyone even considered healing Seth last night.
For several reasons.


esp considering that I just posted my readlist

due to thread title im not going to activity read

this is the last time im bringing that up


these seem like their trying to find out your slot but never take a stance

Well considering I’m asking for their targets, I clearly know something about who they targeted.

/vote Emilia