SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Yes I do know… it tells what NKs there are in the class cards… this isn’t a closed setup. What is your point here? Everyone knows what NKs can appear

the idea is wazza would day occ PK

but itd probably be better to just


@Wazza just so you do not miss this.

It’s a semi-open setup. We know an anti-claim NK may or may not exist. Playing as if we know it does exist until confirmation that it doesn’t is unequivocally the optimal play.

Even if the NK has no form of anti-claim, there’s still a PR we’re trying to protect.

Successful dayocc wouldn’t tell us much though.
Scum can have dayoccs.
Not to mention that dayoccing PK sets him back one night and I’d rather let him cycle his abilities faster, because he will still have to conjure/use the star afterwards.

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We know what NKs can appear. But the way you said it, it sounded like TMI that you knew we had the Anticlaim NK.

Idk whether that makes sense or not. But we already went over what NKs there would be but to say it with certainty concerned me.

Not at all.

F. Ok then.
I have a feeling I am going to be forced to out today.

cult doesnt

this conversation is useless; idea bad

im dipping

Can we not claim more today.

Seth probably is just the GK.

This is where I am at, so Wazza is probably cult here if eighty’s check is legit. I think that since this is likely a cult game we need the CL out and then make sure that Seth is the GK because the cult king can convert. NK discussion isn’t bad, but we should get the gscum that can convert out first and then the rest should come easily. and @anon6348071 @TheBlueElixir expect some reads in a bit, I plan to go over 4 people today

Did I? Even if I knew there was specifically an anti-claim NK, that would mean I would have to be the NK itself, you would think I would try to get more people to claim instead of complaining about people claiming and trying to get people to not claim?

If I get voted up I will just claim and everyone who votes me is going to end up feeling a bit silly that they took the interpretation of my posts as NK instead of how I clearly read them before posting.

I’m conjuring Falling star and saving it.

Unless there’s somebody you want me to use it on.

Yes… yes it would mean that.
I do not think there is any other way to know which NK we have.

PKR literally just stop.
I’m sure that you should be able to explain your stance without resorting to immediately claiming – it’s not like there’s any real pressure on you to begin with.


Now then, I want an explanation of why you faked your check, backed out of your vote on me earlier, refused to answer why you voted me in general and explain to me why I was checked by you.

Ugh… I usually revert to claiming but I will try and hold off.
I am going to take a break from the thread.

Sure, give me a few to find the posts.

But the problem here is that, I don’t know which NK it is. All I said is that people are claiming in a setup with an Anti-claim NK, not sure that specifically says I knew which NK it was