SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

I think this is a circumstance where claiming is reasonable, given that TBE has a semi-redcheck


Thank you for reading my mind Arete.


Why did you like this post

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this was true

but I recind

‘why so early and why at all’

PKR has claimed mage and knows the n1 convert was missed

but didnt make ans immune to convert?

Because it’s true that this is one of the very few circumstances where claiming is actually reasonable.
Since it gives us actual information.

What’s the cloest thing to a redcheck in this setup?

As I think Ans is like “Finally it was fair for someone to claim”



Ok, can y’all get out of my head for real?!

things we lost from this:

  • nothing

things we gain

  • PKR didnt use his make-convert-immune abil on an outted convert night(even if on a bleed player)

Why would I?
If I had not healed Ans, Ans would be dead right now.

Picking Ans makes no sense for a convert from my perspective unless scum also have a healer and wanted to risk it not being a frosty boi game.

Wait so TBE rescinded his claim?

Congratulations, you gave scum info

It’s a 2 damn use ability and I was not picking Ans if I was to make anyone immune.

As picking Ans as a convert was illogical to me.

Hmm really now

because knowing if its a convert night is not something that comes by every moon, particularly since we didnt even know it was a cult game?

and ans is a strong player that was almost always getting healed. At that point, we also thought the bleed would take two nights to kill, and the cult wouldve thought similiarly.

Well, would you convert a bleeding person when it is not guaranteed there is a healer?!

did we ever decide who to bubble

I’ve heard arguments for both UT and PK, if I just pick one will people be okay with that and not try to vote out the one I picked

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scum effectively have nothing if they dont know who your going to heal

May I make this point.
Ans was not a high townread.
If I had made anyone convert immune (and I will not say if I did or not just to make things harder for scum) then it would be one of my townreads, no?