SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!


As everyone still living wakes up, a feeling of utter despair washes over them. Something terrible has happened. They can just feel it. This prompts a castle-wide investigation. What was found was a horror like no other.

Within the highest tower in the castle was the body of Chloe, drenched in blood and surrounded by glass. Her crystal ball appeared to have been shattered over her head.

Inside the tower on the other side, was the remains of PsychoKang, crushed under the weight of a meteor gone awry. Something had disturbed their magic.

In the medical ward was the body of EightySecond, an apparent wound found within their chest. And not too far from the medical ward was the clocktower, where one of the clockhands was replaced by the body of TheBlueElixir.

The remaining Regal Lions, distraught and shaken, vow to avenge their fallen allies!

Chloe was killed during the night! She wasā€¦

The Stargazer

Regal Lion Special
Reach into the Void (Day) - Conjure a power to use at night with Starā€™s Blessing. Each power must be used before conjuring the same one again. Infinite uses
Starā€™s Blessing (Night) - Use the power you have conjured. Infinite uses
Rising Star - Learn your targetā€™s possible class types.
Cosmolight - Learn which class types visit your target.
Portal - Redirect everyone targetting a player to another player.
Falling Star - The night after this one, kill your target. This power is disabled and removed from the rotation if you kill a Regal Lion with it.

Defeat the Unseen and Cult as well as any neutrals who stand in your way.



Chloe the Budget Alchemist
d1 - RitV - Cosmolight |
n1 - SB Ans | Visited by Special and Support classes
d2 - RitV - Rising Star |
n2 - SB TBE | S/I
d3 - RitV - Falling Star (Delayed Vig) |
n3 - SB Centuries | (Was very tempted to hero-shoot tho :upside_down_face:)

I claimed when I did as I would be suspect if I claimed later - and I did not want PK to use his KP on Ans. Though his bleed seemed genuine, and I think n1 convert was missed - it is possible for Ans to be scum. Tbh Iā€™m currently paranoid about an Ans misclear. If he lives too long, yeet him

No specific order:





Do not clear based on mechanics.
Do NKA and determine why dead people were killed. Look for shared reads.


PsychoKang was killed during the night! He wasā€¦

The Stargazer

Regal Lion Special
Reach into the Void (Day) - Conjure a power to use at night with Starā€™s Blessing. Each power must be used before conjuring the same one again. Infinite uses
Starā€™s Blessing (Night) - Use the power you have conjured. Infinite uses
Rising Star - Learn your targetā€™s possible class types.
Cosmolight - Learn which class types visit your target.
Portal - Redirect everyone targetting a player to another player.
Falling Star - The night after this one, kill your target. This power is disabled and removed from the rotation if you kill a Regal Lion with it.

Defeat the Unseen and Cult as well as any neutrals who stand in your way.


PsychoKang the Stargazer

Day one: Conjour Cosmolight
Night one: Cosmolight on Anstreim. Visited by Special and Support classes.
Day Two: Conjure Rising Star
Night Two: Rising star on Centuries. Special or Investigative.
Day three: Conjure Falling Star.
Night three: Use Falling star on Blizer.

EightySecond was killed during the night! She wasā€¦

The Mage

Regal Lion Support
Magic Ward (Passive) - You are immune to bleeding.
Stubborn Spell (Day) - Make a player immune to conversion tonight. 2 uses
Healing Magic (Night) - Heal a player and cure any bleeding they may have. Infinite uses :crown:
Wormhole (Night) - Choose a player and redirect anyone targetting you tonight to that player. 2 uses

Defeat the Unseen and Cult as well as any neutrals who stand in your way.


D1: Stubborn Spell Anstreim
N1: Heal Anstreim
D2: Stubborn Spell Jane
N2: Heal Anstreim (p sure PKR attacked this N2)
N3: Heal X
Allies w/ Emilia: Seth is almost always town. Unless heā€™s able to fake classic STK pushes now, heā€™s just town. Very unlikely fakable, but they donā€™t have TMI. Who also thinks Emilia is a wolf. He also told us his alleged VL target.
CRichard564 (might need to reeval)
Wazza (mostly mech)
Jane (might need to reeval)
[Fringe TL]
highway_101 (their absence is concerning me a lot, has W/W potential with Blizer)
[I donā€™t scumread any of these 3 either]
UnknownTraveler (dropped off a lot)

TheBlueElixir (Needs to die regardless of their alignment, even though theyā€™re prob V)
Blizer (Completely MIA, not an overly villagery ISO, should probably die soon.)

TheBlueElixir was killed during the night! He wasā€¦

The Clockmaker

Regal Lion Investigative
Fated Night (Day) - Prevent all Unseen and Cult visitors to your target of your night abilities tonight. 1 use
Clockworks (Night) - Learn if your target is visited by a member of the Unseen or Cult tonight. Infinite uses
The Hands of Time (Night) - Learn if your target is visited by the Unseen or Cult tonight, and which Unseen or Cult classes visited them last night. 2 uses

Defeat the Unseen and Cult as well as any neutrals who stand in your way.


N3 HoT Emilia

helpful tips for town
SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Night 3 (16/18) - Looking for 2 Replacements

SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Night 3 (16/18) - Looking for 2 Replacements

CRich/PK coasters?

CRich being too easily cleared off of the basis they played poorly as scum. But in CRichā€™s game, they had pressure less then an hour in. They havent been analyzed at all here; I dont imagine it would be hard. They also havent done much reading and progression past early game, which is a lot like Mode as Senex; doing short ISOs to get TRā€™d and then halting because you dont need to is wolfy.

a case for PK I imagine would be based on tone, but thats a wack clear. If your town psycho, actually make reads; not sheeping VCs or the person above you.

  • Dont let the wolves twist NKA to make themselves look better; do it yourself
  • Exe should out; the PoE is too small.
  • Dont push Blizer/highway. Prob TvS, but do not waste time or the execution there.

Night 3 has ended and Day 4 shall now begin. It will end at 2020-07-15T16:24:00Z. With 12 players alive, majority is 7. You may now speak.

Oh yeah, @Zone_Q11 has replaced in for @Blizer.


Centuries + Blizer are out of the execution pool for today



obviously if either of them are alive tomorrow thatā€™s :eyes:


I got gamer results but itā€™s not like

insane 100% caught scum im waiting a lil bit

What the hell has happened last night and how do we have 4 kills.
Iā€™m going to go over everyoneā€™s logs right now, but I have some information from last night ā€“ it is not a redcheck.

thinking that four kills points to Damnation on PK + Erad on Chleb/82 + Executioner (obviously) on TBE

@CRichard564 claim class type please

Wait a minute. Am I going to die already?

who wants to be bubbled

/who do you want me to bubble

What does bubbling do again?

Also I am here. I have no info though.

@Zone_Q11 Welcome.

Claim immediately. All 3 actions if complete. Now.

ā€¦wait a minute. Arete, how are you still alive after 3 cycles after claiming a neut?

ā€“also, is there any other claims aside from yours?

do i drop results gamerstyle rn

probably dont

yeah crich u gotta claim :^)

adds them to my Oneiromancer bubble, allowing them to count towards my wincon

pros: Iā€™m incentivized to side with you, I can heal you

cons: if I die you die too

can you heal me from my soon to be death because of stargazer :^) ?

I claim the cursed Resurrectionist who canā€™t do **** at all because there was no Non-Killer Regal Lions. How the hell was there no Non-Killer Regal Lions before now!?

only if youā€™re in my bubble

and I donā€™t want to add likely elim targets to my bubble for obvious reasons




Blizer + Centuries are delay vigged by Chloe and PK.
So from this, PoE pool is Emilia + Wazza + Highway_101 + potentially Unknown?

Like I said I have some information but looking over this it might not be relevant yet ā€“ though it might become relevant later in the day.
So instead, I want everyone to post their reads and do it now.