SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Well, other than the fact that you seem pretty town from the earlier messages, (and the read about Seth) not really. PKR is arguing and that doesn’t seem very… good to me, but that’s not much of a read.

My reads for now, these will most likely change
an_gorta_pratai (Null) - Nothing much to say, Gorta appears to be one of those types who don’t type much, but idk. Opinions gonna change later probably
Chloe (Slight Town Lean) - Seems to be overall towny right now, I would say has a decent amount of towny posts so far.
Jane (Slight Scum Lean) - I feel like right now, Jane is questioning a lot of things, which is not a bad thing. However, to me, it is starting to feel more like nitpicking than actual questioning, and they have some meh posts, not town nor scum. This will change most likely, but I’m keeping it here for now
Wazza (Non Poster)
PsychoKang (Null) - They have some neutral posts in my opinion and nothing stands out about them right now. They’re also new so… I’ll keep it here for now
Blizer (Null) - I actually can’t really remember anything about them to be honest.
Centuries (Slight Scum Lean) - Has some interesting interactions I would say, nothing else much. Probably will change soon
CRichard564 (Non Poster)
EightySecond (Null) - Nothing stands out
highway_101 (SLIGHTEST SCUMLEAN) - Their introduction was iddy, nothing else
mathmods (Null) - Nothing stands out)
Apprentice (Null)
UnknownTraveler (Townread) - Highest townread, is town and must never reevaulatue.
PokemonKidRyan (Null) - Thinking about it now, their interactions with Mode are getting more and more confusing for me, and I don’t really want to touch it right now.
Anstreim (Null) - Some posts, then left, nothing much
Arete (Null) - Nothing stood out either
ModeShifter (Null) - Not touching the interactions for now, maybe later
Magnus (Non Poster)

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I think half of the takes that already exist are hot garbage and way too strong at this point of the game to be able to be taken seriously
‘weird posts’ are about where I’m at with some people


229 (mentioning controversially is strange. town usually don’t care significantly about their appearance when they make calls)

+pkr just hard focusing on somebody they proceed to get incredibly frustrated with. that progression felt snappy, like they were already springloaded to set themselves off
356 (last part feels like the actual reason for the read and that’s far from ai)

365 (but like why though)
rest of UT feels lackluster
like, I don’t actually dislike pkr’s slot since they are actively doing things
but UT is just ‘there’ beyond opener
I feel nothing when I read them
there’s an extra level of process to what they’re doing and as such I feel like all of their posts have an artificial feel
I do like the post about mode changing their read because they though UT was scum though

55 (what the fuck)
64 (non-committal as fuck. not necessarily terrible)
361 (then why not say that they are in village meta directly)
I generally vibe with their posts, but there’s a decent amount of stuff that just looks eh

Mode being seth means that their alignment should be obvious later on and I’m not going to hedge a read early because that’s asking to get your ass kicked

I was trying to ISO chloe in order to determine why I feel vaguely concerned about their slot moreso than others, and I couldn’t quite put a finger on why
Couldn’t find anything in particular

Kinda messy sorry.

I see what you did there

If you wanna ask me stuff

Im here
And queer
And ready to uhh

Jane seems fine to me for now.
Not as strong a read as chloe, but would townlean.

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Do you mean like, where I’m asking people for their opinions.

Or posts saying things that I don’t like?


People tend to quote posts rather than posting the number

You can quote with the top left quote button
Or highlight the text and click “quote”

Im on mobile so someone else will have to show you

Am I dumb for thinking this monstrosity of a read comes from T!Jane

Uhh not sure. Kinda like questioning the posts people make, so not really both

post in general

NAI imo

I ignored it mostly

The tone is too playful

Self aware

is self aware bad


Do you mean these kind of posts?

I’m trying to bounce my reads off of other people.

When town works together, they can win games.

This is the kind of read that when i look back upon if they’re scum

I find myself dumb for not pushing it

Jane has been weird to me

I just want to say it


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Im posting a lot

But i dont care
And i really should care

I tend to post in little snippets when im mobile because i cant see new replies while im typing

But imma calm down on the hyperchloe

I have nothing to sk you
I’m watching you do stuff and there’s this pull that while I agree with where you are coming from on some things, there’s something missing that makes me feel like those thoughts are complete

why would he have more energy as scum than town
it’s like you already know that they would have more energy as scum than town and don’t provide reasoning for it
ending on ‘weird’ is a ‘weird’ look because you took a strong stance then backed up immediately

where’s follow up on this

where’s the follow up on this
it looks okay at a glance but they don’t do anything about it even though they consider them ‘so bad’

I looked at their interaction with mode on the day ability mode has and it felt really complete in comparison to other thoughts
thought that wasn’t particularly noteworthy because it was all mech

I don’t feel like reading the rest of this, because a glance gives me more of the same
where’s the finality in these reads
where’s the push forward in these reads
it’s a lot of commenting

Hold on, I thought the deal was for me to give my reads and then you guys give me yours