SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Although for all we know it could still be fake.

ā€¦trying to see if thereā€™s way for day abil to confirm me


Can you stop tunneling Centuries now because ā€œeMiLiA cOnVeRteD tHeMā€? Thank you.


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triple mindmeld

an_gorta_pratai - #???
Jane - #???, Arete's hostage
Wazza - Tailor
Zone_Q11 - Resurrectionist, dying N4
Centuries - Diviner, dying N4
clonedcheese - Scribe
Emilia - Resurrectionist
UnknownTraveler - #???, Arete's hostage
Anstreim - Summoner
Arete - Oneiromancer, needs to die ASAP
ModeShifter - King

Alright. Three more to go.
ā€“only one if I tunnel on lynching Arete.
Speaking of Arete, he just lost a hostage.
I better lynch him by majority before itā€™s too late.

/vote Arete

for fucks sake.

Vote Count

Votee Voted By Votes
Arete Zone_Q11 1/6
Emilia ModeShifter 1/6
Wazza Jane 1/6

now that 11 players live, majority is now 6.

Does nobody care about this?

Honestly, this dead silence is precisely what I hoped we could avoid today. Also, looking back I find it curious how no one seemed to read/reply to Janeā€™s post on Wazza?

This postā€¦ Existed. Looking at context, I think it was a response to Sethā€™s TbC:

The reaction does feel somewhat performative but counterpoint: what he was looking to gain with bringing that to attention? An attempt to discredit Seth? If this was anyone else Iā€™d probably say that it wouldnā€™t make much sense, as just trying to stay quiet about it would be more logical for scum since their pusher didnā€™t pick the people who agreed with their opinion.
But then again, Iā€™ve seen at least one of Wazzaā€™s scumgames (Ritual Mafia) and heā€™s not the type to stop posting as scum ā€“ I guess thereā€™s a world where this could be a legitimate attempt to be confrontational/look towny.

This is actually a thing that I didnā€™t notice before. @Wazza Care to explain your thought process between choosing those targets? Iirc you said that your opinions on Centuries didnā€™t change that much ā€“ what was the point of redirecting him into someone you potentially viewed as scum/redirecting someone you viewed as scum into him?
If Emilia was CL/MM/whatever, Centuries would potentially end up converted or dead.
Or your redirection just wouldnā€™t do anything in case of MM. Did you suspect her as precisely secondary groupscum?

This could be taken as him thinking that PK visited Centuries on N1 because iirc it wasnā€™t revealed at that point, but Iā€™d like for him to answer that himself.

Personally, in this situation, my first thoughts wouldnā€™t be ā€œI need to openclaimā€, my first thoughts would be ā€œThis redcheck is either fake/RT, or thereā€™s a possible framer in gameā€. Immediately going to instantclaiming is weird, but could in theory be explained by low WiM, though Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d buy it at this point of the game.

Him demanding the claim from Cent was also meh because he himself mentioned that he had seen Centuriesā€™ ā€œobviousā€ softs before and if Centuries had a redcheck on Emilia heā€™d probably out it himself? @Wazza Another ping, but what were you looking to gain from his role since he was already pretty much outed as invest?

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I was literally writing about it.

I donā€™t really care about Wazza. I just want to get UnknownTravelerā€™s claim so I can continue pushing Areteā€™s lynch.

Also Jane give me your other reads that arenā€™t Wazza.
What are your thoughts on Emilia/Unknown/Cloned and what changed from last night for you?

Oh boyā€¦ some things happened huh?
Ok so since I can claim now

I didnā€™t want Arete dead cause you know, I might have been like the only one that couldā€™ve kept them and executioner alive.

I want your reads + full logs.

My logs are here
Unknown Traveler - Mage

Day 1 - Stubborn Spell Anstriem
Night 1 - Healing Magic CRich (Put in Allies with Wazza)
Day 2 - Stubborn Spell Chloe
Night 2 - Healing Magic Anstriem
Night 3 - Healing Magic Anstriem

Could you explain the N1 heal on CRichard?

They were making a lot of reads and ISO day 1, and even though some people suspected them, I felt like they were probably gonna be a target based on how much reads and ISO theyā€™ve made.

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My reads well theyā€™ve mostly stayed the same
ModeShifter :crown:


Mechanical Stuff


