SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Very similar but very small difference yes.
Usually when you say T/T you are referring to them showing signs of them being villagery towards each other.
When you say they aren’t W/W it means you believe that there could be a wolf in there but you don’t believe they can both be on the same team/wolf via their interactions.

arete iso bc first poster lol

Eh never ended up talking about it

I like people who do icebreakers but then it’s the most NAI thing ever lol

PKR just felt 0 pressure and didnt come back for the next 16 hours and when he’s back he do be gone lmao BUT, I believe it’s Town PKR this time, I just feel it

IDK the idea is bad and your tkae on “what if bad players randed scum” is pretty logical but the way you present it is kinda weirdish? It’s likelier the “bad players” make a bad play than “bad players are all scum”

(and thats it)

Pretty sure I Town read Gorta before saying I scum read you no?

And you keep stating you aren’t the only one that reads me as EK when you can clearly see my response to you about “Gorta” should indicate and make it clear enough to you that I’m aware you aren’t the only fuckin one and I think you do realize that your just using it as an excuse.

The point is. Gorta’s response makes more sense over how you went about it.

I lost a previous game where yes the scum did the exact same thing you did in regards to scum reading me. The other one who was scum reading me I understood and his tone was genuine Town and I pretty much Lock Town’ed him and Unwnd the scum was just throwing me as a scum read and didn’t have an actual genuine read on me like your doing.

Only reason they won was because they AtE’ed when they thought they were going to be lynched.

I caught them and then completely 180’ed after that because I like their AtE change my mind which I do sometimes and I manipulate myself into losing when I was actually on the right track.

I agree with your point about me giving conversion immunity to someone I Town read and I actually already have given it to someone I believe is Town.

You may view it as “scummy as hell” but without it, you would be allowing scum to manipulate us.

However I have reconsidered and I’ll only put players that I Town read in there.

I just don’t want to see people with strong play styles win and manipulate Town just because their overall Playstyle is super Townie regardless of alignment.

I don’t give a shit. If your not Town. You die.

End of discussion.

When I said “you better be glad I rolled king” I’m referring to the fact that in 90% of games that I’m not a part in. People will like refuse to lynch scum just because they have a super Townie Playstyle.

Regarding the Noob, my thought at that time was If I let them choose they can be more then just a PL, weak player to people and guess what it will allow them to contribute.

And yes we are equal and we make mistakes if you felt I was trying to treat you as a lesser I apologize as that isn’t and never will be my intentions.

Sometimes when people scum read me it might be because of the way I say stuff because my communication skills are shit.

And I’ve mentioned this serval times before in past games so this has nothing to do with the game at hand I just want to use that as an example to not scum read people for the wrong things.

But I’ll be honest I no longer scum read PKR based on this post.

Definitely different then how Unwnd responded to me, although this is PKR the point still stands that I feel that this post is genuine Townie so I guess I was just misguided on you and I don’t want to see me do what I did with you before so my apologies.

You’ve showed me that you aren’t doing the “scum’s scum read” like I thought you were.

lol what’s this post

After seeing that posts I’m starting to have high doubts.

I’m not in the mood to read a wallpost.

Whatever, I’m here now and probably not for long.

oh yeah I didnt conclude my arete iso


not enough ai stuff

i guess > rand town so far


narrow down the pool for scum-converter

just fantastic

now they likely know who not to target ayaya

That’s me I believe :slight_smile:




That’s definetly me

1 Like

Hello everyone.
Getting town pings from Blizer, PKR and Centuries so far.

Posts from Blizer.

Introduction post where Blizer talks about lessons learned from last game.

Talks about PKR’s opening which is probably NAI here.

Answers Jane’s question. His answer is fine here.

Answer feels natural and not rehearsed here. This slot is probably thinking on their feet.

Nothing off with this answer. This slot seems to have been caught off guard as I’d expect from a townie.

Comments on PKR’s opening in ToS 2. Good take on PKR so far.

Asks Centuries a good question here, which is a good thing.

Talks about Chloe’s opening this game compared to WoW FM. I’ll take a better look at Chloe to see if her opening is Town/scum indicative.

I’ve never seen a Centuries scum game, so eh.

I like their answers so far and they clearly are trying hard this game. Also this slot is showing signs of being alone. Blizer is probably town here.

Elaborate on Centuries!

I totally skimmed through the whole post but it wasn’t directed at me

still dont understand why im being srd but this is like insurgency where i die d2 for some obscure reason and i flip good guy

I see a list of names with no reasoning to any of them.

Your ISO does not explain a vast majority of these.

Why have you reached any of these conclusions?

my man crichard 0 posting his way to bottom 3

wait actually

this is bs and i refuse that you believe all the non 0 posters except 2 are scum candidates while all the other are > rand town
