SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Uhm… excuse me? How come when I die, it is “resolving”, but when Cent dies it is a bad thing?
Why do you only want Cent to live? Why do you trust Emilia, but not me, despite me claiming first while she had some resistance claiming?

Because nothing you’ve done so far strikes me as towny. You’ve mostly spent this day talking about mech and focusing on Arete, not to mention that your slot is in PoE since D2.

Centuries is pretty much confirmed to not be attacker by me + his information on CRichard was right (he hinted about it before CRichard outed, then covered for him).
Not to mention that socially he has been playing in a way that I doubt scum would.

That’s not really AI.
Most of my opinion on Emilia largely comes from her early posts + the fact that she didn’t turn to immediately defend herself when pressed today.

Tonereads. (I have nothing to say against these --or rather, I can’t.)

Which IS towny if you yourself don’t know that UnknownTraveler could chain heal with Arete.

Not my business.

What does this have to do with anything?

Yes, what an amazing plan to waste a day on a neutral that will kill 3 TRs when we lynch them.
I’m not wasting time talking about this again.

The fact that he has more than one thing backing him up mechanically?

Well too bad, I will. We have already lost a hostage, and you just let him take a new one. If you still don’t understand: I don’t like this at all.

I ran through the numbers when Emilia asked (when Richard was alive) and us hammering Arete could’ve made parity at worst. Now that he has a new hostage, lynching him will of course be detrimental to town.

I don’t get it. How does softing an Executioner claim back him up as town?
–actually, never mind. I townread Cent anyways, but to have me dead while he lives is such a ***** plan.

…I said his mech information on CRichard was correct.
He then got my point when I hinted that CRichard is Executioner because he wanted to push on him, at which point he pretended that his result was the opposite.
It’s not about softing.

“At worst executing Arete just outright loses us the game”.
Outstanding plan Zone.


Assumption is 3 scum at least.
Neut + 3 Town dies.
3v4 leftover.

…either conversion or a kill would give scum the victory, so yeah. Now we really are doomed to lose. Sigh. Now let’s just hope that scum can’t occ people.

…? When did this happen, and what was this all about?

Since when is parity equal to loss?


Pretty sure that’s how it usually goes and scum wins as soon as town cannot vote them out on their own? Which is almost always on parity.

  • Huh… well okay. You have made your point on Cent, I think.
  • What even happens on ties? No lynch, right? Why can’t town fight back during parity?

6 people, majority is 4.
Stalemate that cannot be moved any way, scum just kills/converts at night unless town has any kind of voting abilities, therefore it’s mech locked.
Just ask Amelia yourself.

Sigh… I don’t have to. Majority… no, I guess a tie on plurarity will result as No Lynch, huh?

Siiigh… Damnit. Fine. @Emilia, heal Centuries.
Dunno what the hell Ans and Unknown are planning, but I am leaving it all to them.

I don’t have much planned with Ans I think, I only stuff planned with Arete tho

Urghh… this extension sucks so fucking hard.

Sure, people are technically posting I guess, but nothing is actually happening.

I concur. This… is the literal definition of wasting time.

@Centuries @an_gorta_pratai

I don’t recall you guys dying, so could you like… exist? No?

i existed in thread

like what

let me sleep

Could you at the very least vote for someone?