SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

there’s been a 24 hour extension and i still have to read

…and you didn’t read until now because?
–also, it seems that we have settled on the plan where we lynch Wazza Today and have Emilia heal you while I die to “self-resolve”.

Dunno how this would help town, but I am kind of sick of town letting Arete live, so I actually don’t mind dying.

I just woke up ye its 9pm but I went to bed really late

I still think it’s dumb we’re ignoring slots

Are we in a Wazza starting scum world

I dunno like once agian he can only be Invoker but that’d require Emilia to be scum for it to be true because I got feeback

…you just woke up. It is 9 PM, and you want to sleep again? …Cent, get some help. Go to bed in time.

Debate that with @anon6348071 because I dunno what he wants anymore.

What is there to say that hasn’t been said?

Your main concerns were me + Jane + Unknown(?), correct?

I’m probably committing to Dust on Seth today.
Jane I feel is solved through Wazza, because they literally cannot be a convert from Eighty’s logs and they can still be checked.

Wouldn’t you get feedback on yourself even if you got redirected with this:

Also Invokers can take Tailor alts and what not but that’s not important. My main tinfoil is that:

I don’t see why Emilia would have to be scum in that case?


does Emilia confirm the redirect

Emilia is a Resurrectionist who hasn’t been able to do anything N1 N2 N3.
Which is why we are confirming her tonight through her healing you with Channel.

oh ye forgot that

uh yeah

but then if Wazza is scum he either knew Emilia couldnt use any ability or they both scum right

Uh, if he is starting Invoker he can literally claim the action but not necessarily perform it? Scum can and will most likely lie.
That doesn’t make Emilia scum.

no but

he claimed his action before emilia cliamed right

Pretty sure he did because Emilia didn’t claim for a while, but she would also have to be investigative to know if there was a redirection?
Meaning Silver Strings can be somewhat easily faked if you know that one person is investigative and the other is not.
Or are you trying to say that you think he would redirect you into his scummate for no reason – because that… doesn’t make sense?

How would I know this.

If I’m starting scum, Emilia would have to also be starting scum since I would only have 1 redirection ability.
That wouldn’t account for Jane’s redirect which I’m being accused for, though.

ok no my issue is that

It makes more sense for him to be tailor from my pov

than for him to be the scum version

so i think Wazza is town mech wise like the window for scum him is to small i think

I do have one question, why would I claim a class that even I showed to barely understand and a class I assumed worked like I occupied all the visitors of those players and even stated this?

I should be dead right now if CRich wasn’t modkilled lol

I’m pretty sure that you can still take Tailor alts as a starting Invoker and it’s not just barebones, because that would make starting Cult extremely weak compared to Unseen.

None of the actions he claimed aren’t unable to be faked so I’m not really keen on clearing him on mech.
And I already said that in a Jane/Wazza scenario I trust Jane a whole lot more.

It’s not that hard to fake confusion about something like Tailor and claim it just for the “WTF” factor.
But eh.

By the way, where are you getting the Cult Alts from? I physically can’t find anything about them apart from CLs passive.

I think you know that I prefer to win over “WTF” factor.

Literally every convertable RL class has:

+I’ve discussed Cult alts out of game before and I know that back when they were a thing in “usual” FoL, starting Cult got to pick their own.
Also I just asked Amelia and she confirmed that starting Cult gets to pick them here as well.

Except claiming a confusing claim can be backed up with: