SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Can we get dead/spectator chats publicized by the way.

Ah yes

Thatā€™s important

Uh I can do that if invited

Done already

And youā€™re already in spec chat :eyes:

Trying to find it give me a sec

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@anon6348071 you can also test stuff for ToL

Majority wouldnā€™t have changed.
I wouldnā€™t have been quickhammered.

I still donā€™t think youā€™d have escaped the execution

It probably wouldnā€™t be a clean cult win and arete would have lost

But I still think they would have won

also for the record im proud of the amount of bullshit i spewed this game pretending to be an experienced player



i made things up but they made sense


like, reread 82nds ISO with the knowledge that its me and you can see how much i made up LMAO


Imo funniest moments of this game were Marshal yelling in spec chat that 101 was speaking like him and him trying to sleuth who it was while I stood there and chuckled at him with like I know who it is

i thought 101 was marshal for a tiny bit but he made posts that marshal just couldnt make and then i figured it was geyde

UT i didnt really care about because they were clearly new

allies chat with emilia/seth was wild tho


but u know wim still a thing

marshal was freaking out in spec chat because 101 was talking like them

And they were intensify

he literally almost ruined it by joking about prince claims priest

I wouldā€™ve thought they were Marshal if Marshal wasnā€™t a spectato.

invite me to spec

Spec chat is public

Or it SHOULD be
