SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

I mean when I read through those I legitimately thought Jane slipped that he knew PK was a Blizer ult and I was gonna have to replace out, but then I saw Blizer was also in game

What is this supposed to mean, ā€œultā€


as in alternate account

Probably mispelt Alt. An alt is where someone plays a game under another name, mainly to avoid recognition.

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oh yeah, I dont see where ur coming from, but understandable.

I assume the Executioner is a power role, given theyā€™re a guaranteed spawn.

However, while I like the concern, I think itā€™s unjustified. The Executioner can answer those questions too!

Alright, so I have woken up and I have already caught up on the thread.
Thoughts so far:

  • Seth is just town. Iā€™ve seen people saying his takes are weird/his readlist makes no sense, but unfortunately this is absolutely within town Sethā€™s range. His discussion with PKR and decision to give 4 weakest players the lynch sound like precisely the thing he would do in your average game. I know this is more of a meta read (and his meta is evolving from what Iā€™ve seen), but as scum Seth just doesnā€™t exist. In 61 where half of the thread correctly scumread him early on, he was scum King as well and he literally posted twice/thrice, made a decision that was backed up with IIoA and then dipped. I donā€™t really see the resemblance here.
  • Chloe seems fine so far. I wouldnā€™t go as far as to locktown her, but in both scum games of hers that I witnessed I was able to scumread her rather easily. Her attitude here is alright and nothing really feels manufactured or staged, like it did in her scum games.
  • PKRā€™s opener was indeed weird, but his slot is actually improving imo ā€“ the vibes I got from his and Sethā€™s argument were ā€˜frustrated townā€™. In general, want to see a bit more from him, but heā€™s a slight TL for now.
  • Jane had some interesting posts, but I think they are town for now. From my experience with them, they tend to be hyper when they get a neutral or scum, and while this Jane is active, it doesnā€™t quite feel on the same level? The post about Seth/PKR not being W/W is the one that a lot of you found off, but I think Jane has made similar assessments early on as well. Also, in my experience (again, this is just turbos, iirc they havenā€™t had an actual scum game in over a year?) Jane seems to be pockety and try to push agenda when they are scum. Of course, thereā€™s not much to push on D1, but none of their posts really read like efforts to sway the thread.
  • Arete is a hard null so far. Nothing Iā€™ve seen from them couldnā€™t be faked, none of their takes display any hard stances ā€“ which is fine, since itā€™s early on. Still, want more from this slot and will judge it appropriately off of what they do later on.
  • Reading back, I actually liked Blizer. His ā€œaggressionā€ seems towny (and I wouldnā€™t call it aggression to begin with), he was also one of the three people who actually aimed to make the thread progress. While that in itself is NAI, I feel like itā€™s still worth mentioning.
  • Unknownā€™s opener was a hard null, but going down there were some of the posts that I didnā€™t like, and one in particular that I would like to question (which is what Iā€™m going to do below). It is probably a bit too early to judge, but I really want this slot to interact with most other players for reasons.

Semi-related questions/quotes that I wanted to discuss:

This one reads like Gortaā€™s typical posts? Nothing really pings me even though that opinion switch happened, it kinda reminds me of his Alice tinfoil in 61 which he posted despite not believeing in it.

This postā€¦ Exists. @UnknownTraveler would you mind elaborating as to why you wrote this? I.e. what was your intention ā€“ to clarify and acknowledge that your opener was meh orā€¦?
Because to me this looks like unprompted defense that wasnā€™t really aimed at anyone, and was just posted for the sake of being posted ā€“ if that explanation makes sense.

Lord (King) generally should be left for last imo. While Lords are stronger than Kings on average in this setup, I still think itā€™s fine to not bother with Seth ā€“ not to mention that I think heā€™s town like I said above.

I asked for Janeā€™s/Areteā€™s opinion in that post because the two were most prominent and present in the thread at that time.

Last but not least, readlist:






Feel free to ask me if you want any details/explanations on it.

To be honest I donā€™t really like those questions because they could in theory out actual healers.
So I will skip the first one and answer your other two:

If you were a vig, who would you shoot tonight?

No one, because itā€™s too early.

If you were a invest, who would you check tonight?

WIFOM between you/one of my nulls.

Meh I still think he can be GS.

Seth do you have any hot takes so far?
Iā€™m mostly interested to hear who do you SL or suspect (aside from Eighty).

pls eval my hot take on Jane (not the initial W/W stuff, the stuff I recently posted)

i didnt notice this when reading thru thread earlier tbh

i dont like earlygame tinfoils but i dont think its bad

i mostly disliked his W/W thingy but hes not like
straight up scum from these things

just funktastic vibes, ya feel

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replace he with they



You mean the take that started with this?

I donā€™t find it particularly weird because ā€œJane just goes with itā€ felt more like an attempt to engage with someone while they are waiting for Blizer.

I suppose itā€™s weird, but itā€™sā€¦ not something that bothers me that much? I actually want to re-ISO Jane after I respond to you, I have a feeling that I mightā€™ve missed it, but I think this question to Blizer was asked shortly before Jane left? Might be wrong.

Addressed the W/W assessment which was a thing, on the scumchat tinfoil ā€“ I kinda disagree for the reasons I state d above.

felt more like an attempt to engage with someone while they are waiting for Blizer.

Not going to bother quoting the prior wallpost. Too big. Not a big fan on how a majority of your explained reads seem to be largely off of meta, but that seems to be a recurring thing here.

This sticks out to me though, because the logic makes no sense?

This same logic can be applied to the vig/cop question, if answering the first question ā€œrisks outting healersā€ then why would the second and third not risk outting vigilantes and cops?

Name all your nulls

scum can defend town and try to pocket them I am pretty sure Chloe tried this in WoWFM

Thatā€™s true, I suspect Seth as the EK and the last time I did it I was correct, but I wonā€™t say I am super correct here

I am the resident slanker with gut reads, but my gut reads are pretty decent I would say

I really do like this post from highway wouldnā€™t be surprised if this is an alt, but enough of that. Why hasnā€™t anyone else asked this question?

Why in the hell is this your top town read? Do you have any reason why?

I usually donā€™t give full readlists, as itā€™s easier and better for me to focus on individual players and give reads in that way.

This post seems way too odd. I wonā€™t say this is a wolf, but I really donā€™t like this post because if you are town you wonā€™t have to worry about the cult alts and point bs. You arenā€™t likely to even get converted because they usually go for players like Arete and such.

Hello, I am usually a low poster, but I will post more this game, unless something comes up

That was a tinfoil, while I didnā€™t really like Unknownā€™s opening posts and I still donā€™t really like them

Ok, let me look at it

If psycho is GS I would be surprised because they seem like newbtown, but I donā€™t think interactions like this should be dismissed. I have done what Psycho has done here as town before, but yeah I wonā€™t call it a terrible read

So Iā€™ve seen a few people SL/suspect Cent right off the bat and he did have a few underwhelming posts, but later on, he felt like he was genuinely let down/frustrated that people scumread him off the bat.
Of course frustration can come from scum, but it didnā€™t feel that off to me? Hence why Centuries is in my upper nulls for now.