SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Seth I literally have a realist in my wallpost.

name your arguments:

hard mode: no gut or tone

impossible mode: without parotting the meta read

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What do you think of my slot thus far? Why am I in your lower TRā€™s (I am not asking why I am not higher, but why I am there to begin with)?

Some people can and should be meta read

also can we stop the hyper posting? itā€™s almost 700 posts on d1 alone

im skipping to the bottom to reply - so I havent caught up fully

but can we make a rule this game to not make hella long wallposts

If you want to make a wallpost, break it into smaller sections and post them one at a time, after people have time to discuss each part.
Nobody will read a giant wallpost - unless its to search for their name.

Scum tend to make bigass fluff-wallposts in order to look like theyre contributing
and im not havinā€™ that this game

in some ways i think longass wallposts are almost worse than hyperposting
so like
lets not do that
thanks friends

The thing about my meta explanations is that they are here, because those are my first impressions. D1 has no voting and therefore we canā€™t get analysis from there.
A lot of people on my readlist havenā€™t widely engaged with many others/have focused on a few certain aspects and dipped. I use meta to supplement my reads, not widely rely on it. Although there are two players who can be more or less reliably read on meta in this game (Seth/CRichard).

The thing about vig/cop question is that my vig answer is purposefully vague, while my invest answer is genuine ā€“ and vague too, hence why WIFOM.
Also that post was mainly made for Unknown to answer/react to it, because I want to ask them a few things in general.

Canā€™t argue against that though you wonā€™t mind if I say itā€™s NAI from you.

replying to questions in a wallpost is fine

isoing someone in a wallpost is fine

but if youre going to ISO like 3 people and post all of it in a singular post
break it up into chunks and post them separately after discussion on each one

You are actually trying to explain your takes and they seem to be more or lessā€¦ unique. I feel like you would be more self-aware or nervous as scum and would post less, but to be fair I havenā€™t seen any of your scumgames.
Also, nothing that Iā€™ve read from you so far set me off.

Also, care to elaborate on your strongest reads for now?

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yes its NAI

its just something i noticed (especially playing scumgames back to back)
that its easy to just BS your way through the day by posting very very long things that nobody will read unless they are searching for their name

if i see that a lot this game
i wont like it

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This doesnā€™t actually address my point.

You can answer vaguely, it is WiFOM and always will be WiFOM.

Youā€™re concerned that answering the first question risks outting healers, but arenā€™t concerned that answering the second risks outting cops/vigs.

Your logic as to why that is can be applied to all three questions.

That sort of thing would make me facepalm as well.

I donā€™t like wall posts, but I quote things and reply to it in my ā€œcatch-upā€. This usually isnā€™t required when there isnā€™t hyper posting, but itā€™s more or less part of the problem with hyper posting. I should spoiler it next time.

Want me to link you some?

catchup is fine
answering questions is fine

putting 3 ISOs in a single wallpost - where people will only read the stuff that pertains to them - aint fine

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Because I feel like supports generally have a smaller range to pick from at this stage of the game than vigs/investigatives.
I would aim to heal my highest TRā€™s/TLā€™s and I assume most other people would as well, while the pool of people for second/third question can be a lot more wide.
Does this explain my thought process.

If you have links on hand ā€“ sure, I wouldnā€™t mind reading through.

So why not answer ā€œI would heal a townread, cop a nullread, and would holster if I were a vigā€?

Opening post from Gorta. Ok so far.


This is probably town Gorta weā€™re looking at folks.

Which is true, though NAI at this point.

Funny how Iā€™m not the only one thinking Traveler is off here. Though itā€™s possible Iā€™m tunneling in on them after their questions could have accidentally outed the Executioner.
Please donā€™t do that if youā€™re town.

I doubt scum Gorta would want suspected EK out, townie motivation here.

Conclusion: Gorta is probably town here because of meta and other reasons. Iā€™m liking their start so far.

Because I want to leave scum to keep guessing by being purposefully more vague on that one question.
Because I want to emphasize the WIFOM of me actually being healer or not.

So tell me, what have you inferred from this line of questioning and my answers so far?

I have done this as town before, but I usually spoiler each one and label it, but itā€™s more of a book post at that point

Sure, when I get back, but do keep in mind that my meta isnā€™t super consistent. How I play usually depends on my mood, like back in one game I refused to post at all because I was pissed about another game.

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